Fire extinguisher in hallway

Hospital Fire Safety: RACE for the Extinguisher and PASS on It!

Hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes are target hazards posing a considerable risk to occupants because of the large numbers and nonambulatory nature of these facilities’ residents and the inability to evacuate the residents vertically in the building.
Water, Ice Problems Hamper Operations at Colorado Apartment Fire

Water, Ice Problems Hamper Operations at Colorado Apartment Fire

At 1710, on Sunday, January 13, 2008, units from South Metro (CO) Fire Rescue and the Parker Fire Protection District were dispatched to the report…
APPARATUS DELIVERIES: The Brevard County (FL) Fire-Rescue Department

APPARATUS DELIVERIES: The Brevard County (FL) Fire-Rescue Department

The Brevard County (FL) Fire-Rescue Department designed thisAMERICAN LaFRANCE pumper (one of four) for general firefighting and medical emergency response, explains District Chief Bob Thirkelson.
Improving Fireground Communications

Improving Fireground Communications

The January 2007 Fire Engineering Editor’s Opinion, “Renewing Our Legacy,” notes the passing of some great fire service leaders, such as Fire Engineering editors Dick…
1918 Influenza Pandemic: Lessons for Homeland Security

1918 Influenza Pandemic: Lessons for Homeland Security

A casual review of literature and training materials on homeland security reveals a curious historical trend: The discipline’s timeline seems to go blank before 1993.
What Should We Be Seeing and Doing?

What Should We Be Seeing and Doing?

It has been a good 10 years since rapid intervention first gained its foothold in the fire service.
Help Make Your Employees Successful

Help Make Your Employees Successful

Over the course of my career, there have been very few issues that I have not had to address, and there are probably even fewer…