How to Identify and Develop Quality Instructors

How to Identify and Develop Quality Instructors

Competent and enthusiastic instructors are critical to the fire service. Without them, how effective would our personnel and departments be? The selection process for instructors should be such that we tap those with the greatest talents and potential within our departments.
Turn an Idea into a Class in Five Steps

Turn an Idea into a Class in Five Steps

To say that providing up-to-date, relevant training in today’s fire service is a challenge is an understatement. Training officers and instructors must meet a variety…
Developing ARFF SOGs and Response Cards

Developing ARFF SOGs and Response Cards

If your department is responsible for covering an airport in your district, developing standard operating guidelines (SOGs), response plans, and response cards should be on…


As with many things in the fire service, training has evolved over the past 50 years. My dad was chief of training, as was I.…
Training Like the Astronauts

Training Like the Astronauts

When the nine firefighters in Charleston, South Carolina, lost their lives in the Sofa Super Store fire on June 18, 2007, everyone stopped and contemplated…
Live Burns: Maximizing Safety

Live Burns: Maximizing Safety

In the summer of 2007, a small Oregon fire district conducted a training burn in an acquired structure in a rural area outside the city…