The Book Said

The Book Said

Throughout your career, you’re going to recall information that you were taught from your initial fire training while operating at a fire or an emergency. Sure, most of it will fly through your brain in milliseconds and come naturally to you while performing the firefight, but at other times it won’t, and the brakes will come on and you will question yourself: “What did the books say?”
Names in the News

Names in the News

Every year at FDIC, a deserving volunteer from the staff ranks is singled out for special recognition for a “job well done.” The FDIC 2011…


CUMMINS POWER GENERATION has launched a new externally focused Web site for fire engineers and chiefs. The new site, which represents a complete overhaul of…


TargetSafety’s PREVENTIONLINK helps you easily maintain compliance; deliver curriculum; and track all tasks, certifications, and fire/EMT training online. The solution is completely customizable and can…
Overcoming District Disorientation

Overcoming District Disorientation

When I teach firefighters about preincident intelligence, I pose the question, “What is the most important incident information?” The most common responses are the following:…
The Lower-Cost Open-Source Software Alternative

The Lower-Cost Open-Source Software Alternative

Almost every day a story appears in the newspaper or on the television about local governments having to make budget cuts to prevent reductions in…
Emergency Response to Hybrid Bus Incidents

Emergency Response to Hybrid Bus Incidents

A hybrid electric vehicle is powered BY an internal combustion engine with an electric motor. Propulsion can be by the engine, the electric motor, or…