Pickup Truck Extrication Evolutions

Pickup Truck Extrication Evolutions

Here is a unique twist for extrications involving pickup trucks, which may be a vehicle that you haven't had to deal with yet when working at a motor vehicle accident.
People, Pets, Pictures, and Pills

People, Pets, Pictures, and Pills

For awhile in MY monthly column, I have been giving advice to young firefighters that has mostly been directed toward how to prepare for and…
Attacking fire from the burned side

Attacking fire from the burned side

"Attacking from the Burned Side Can Save Lives" (Fire Engineering, November 2011) fails to show this approach can indeed save lives.
Fire/EMS Safety and Health Week June 17-23

Fire/EMS Safety and Health Week June 17-23

Rules You Can Live By is the theme of the 2012 International Fire/EMS Safety and Health Week, June 17-23.
Fire in Sprinklered Texas Warehouse with High Piled Storage

Fire in Sprinklered Texas Warehouse with High Piled Storage

Large-loss fires involving fully sprinklered buildings are extremely rare these days.
Propane Emergencies: Plan for Worst-Case Scenario

Propane Emergencies: Plan for Worst-Case Scenario

On September 1, 2011, at 1503 hours, the most devastating call the Mumford (NY) Fire Department (MFD) could ever respond to erupted with an explosion…
Alternatives for Complying with NFPA 1971

Alternatives for Complying with NFPA 1971

When released, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1971, Standard on Protective Ensembles for Structural Fire Fighting and Proximity Fire Fighting, 2012 edition, will require…