Speeding ambulance

Is Physical Wellness Impacting Mental Wellness?

Bryan Fass explains that there is a connection between physical and mental health and that the keys to wholistic health are a diet free of sugar and chemicals, the right kind of body movements, probiotic supplementation, adequate sleep, and regular medical checkups.

The Basics of Handline Construction

Bryan McLean looks at the importance of this essential wildland urban interface tactic to help contain a wildland fire.

Mayday! Response at a Detached Garage Fire with Structural Collapse in Virginia

Michael J. Barakey recounts this recent routine garage and house fire that became more than routine for Suffolk (VA) Fire & Rescue.

The 10 Percent Search

Clay Magee and Brandon Lewis use this specialized search technique created for students of their Magic Truck Company Academy to teach how best to survey…

Gated Wyes: Not for Standpipe System Operations

Anthony Rowett Jr. looks at the statistics and best practices to avoid having an unexpected reduction in your flow rate or, worse, a complete loss…
Bobby Halton

What’s Good for the Goose Is Good for the Gander

Residential sprinklers are an excellent motive for the preservation of life. But how firefighters serve and how we yield our power and influence matter.

Venting for Extinguishment at Peaked-Roof Dwellings

Nicholas Papa describes how to safely and effectively ventilate for extinguishment when fighting fires in peaked-roof dwellings.