Fitness Training for Handling Patients

Bryan Fass reviews some common ways firefighters can get injured during EMS calls and ways to avoid getting hurt.

Products/Services/Media May 2019

See products that ran in Fire Engineering's May 2019 issue.

Chicago Rowhouse Fire

Heat and building construction made firefighting in a rowhouse-type building difficult for the Chicago (IL) Fire Department.

Is the Fire Service Becoming Too Technology Dependent?

Evan Kutzin discusses how technology has changed many functions in the fire service and questions if maybe the service is too dependent on it? He…

Coordinating Ventilation with Suppression

Successful ventilation tactics begin with knowing fire dynamics and the impact of ventilation on fire behavior. Several key fire dynamic concepts regarding fire development and…
Fire Industry News

News in Brief: May 2019

Fire service news from the May 2019 issue of Fire Engineering magazine.

Fit-for-Duty Evaluations

Requiring a firefighter to undergo a fit-for-duty (FFD) examination is legal. However, the order must be for a legitimate evaluation process, not a mechanism to…