Firefighters at a fire in Irvington, New Jersey.

FE Volume 174 Issue 8

Read the August 2021 issue of Fire Engineering, which features features from Jim Silvernail, Tim Kreis, Stephen F. Shaw, Caleb Langer, Cedric Patterson, and more!
Bobby Halton

Banned by Popular Demand

A photo has a thousand lessons in wisdom and, quite possibly, a thousand choices for opinions, writes Bobby Halton.
Firefighters and apparatus at house fire

The 2021 Apparatus Supplement

Download the 2021 Apparatus Supplement, which comes bundled with the August 2021 edition of Fire Engineering magazine.
Jim Silvernail

What It Means to Be the Chief

Visionary leadership isn't enough to chart a course; you must have the right tools and environment to achieve the desired outcome, says Jim Silvernail.
Rosenbauer Panthers

Products/Services/Media: August 2021

Check out some firefighting products showcased in the August issue of Fire Engineering, including the Rosenbauer 6x6 Panthers.
Small town with big city problems

Small Town, Big City Problems

Private-dwelling tactics and procedures that many small-town firefighters rely on may not work well in multiple dwellings, says Mike Ciampo.
Erin Barger

Create an Inspired Team in 100 Days or Less

Erin R. Barger offers these tips for fire service leaders on how to most efficiently provide the quality leadership that results in focusing team members…