Shupe on hoselines

The Two-Inch Hose in the Modern Era

Jeff Shupe discusses why this firefighting option is an excellent size attack line for immediate large flow.
house fire

Observe, Orient, Decide, Act: The OODA Loop

Jarred R. Alden discusses scene size-up, info gathering and orientation, and how firefighters and command can make better decisions.
John K. Murphy

Legal Issues You Can Solve

John K. Murphy examines how a fire department can best prepare itself for the threat of litigation that can pop up at any moment.
gas emergency response

Tactical Response to Explosive Gas Emergencies: Know Before You Go

Jerry Knapp provides firefighters with some of the many critical strategic and tactical concepts required for safe and efficient response to explosive gas releases.

Dumpster Fires: More Than a Trash Fire

Brian Zaitz takes identifies various types of dumpsters, their potential contents, and firefighting tactical considerations.

Innovative Fire Training Prop

Brian J. Ward offers a redesigned dollhouse training prop that incorporates multiple chambers as are seen in commercial/industrial structures.
FDNY firefighters on rope rescuing person from building window

FE Volume 175 Issue 4

Read the April 2022 issue of Fire Engineering magazine, with features from John Norman, Anthony Avillo, Jeff Shupe, Jerry Knapp, Anthony Kastros, and more!