FDNY EMS 20 ambulance

Medical Emergencies and Large Fires: Bronx and Manhattan, 2005-2020

Deborah Wallace and Rodrick Wallace examine the merger of the FDNY and EMS and its impact on the Bronx and Manhattan.
Old fire truck

TX Department Re-Thinking Traditional Roles

The Colony Fire Department is now hiring trained paramedics as firefighters.
Crowds and congestion

Crowd Management: Preventing the Next Catastrophe

Why do crowd disasters happen and how can they be prevented? Tom Dunne offers tips on dealing with large crowds in congested places.

Assessing Acquired Infections Through Medical Transports

Katherine H. West looks at multiple studies of the facts and dangers of the multitude of microscopic organisms found in medical transports from a lack…
Chicago explosion and buildingcollapse

Chicago Firefighters Respond to Explosion and Building Collapse

Chicago (IL) firefighters responded Tuesday, September 20, 2022, to an explosion and building collapse.

WI Volunteer Firefighter and EMT, 18, Killed in Motorcycle Crash

Eugene Faust, a volunteer with the Union Grove-Yorkville Fire Department, died from injuries sustained in a motorcycle crash on July 14.
Bobbi Sue McCollum at FDIC International 2022

FDIC International 2022 Exhibitor Showcase: Pulmodyne

Watch Inventor and Emergency Nurse Bobbi Sue McCollum demonstrate how to properly #Baglikeaboss and deliver in control with the VT Select.
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