Grim reaper

Letters to the Editor: September 2024

Justin McWilliams discusses how mindset, rescue, and search apply to fire department operations.
Firefighter and smoke

Firefighters and the Rescue: Being Too Safe?

Sometimes, being too safe results in delayed actions by the firefighter, says Mark van der Feyst. That can result in catastrophe on the fireground.
Indianapolis firefighters operate at the scene of a working apartment fire with possible entrapment

Why Your Fire Department Needs an Incident Safety Officer

Are lives unintentionally put at risk by not having an incident safety officer on scene? Bruce Lake offers his take on the issue.
Fire Engineering Editor in Chief David Rhodes

So Afraid We Make It Unsafe

The struggle between moral obligation and strict adherence to policy will continue unless firefighters are clear about what our work is.
Lacy WA fire truck on scene of crash

Traffic Incident Management Training and You

If your firefighters have not completed traffic incident management training or taken a refresher, now is the time to do so.
Ground monitor anchored to hoseline

Miami Dade (FL) Master Stream Near-Miss

Bill Gustin relates a near-miss that underscores some of the hazards firefighters must consider when employing master streams.
Fire escape drop ladder

Escape Plans

Safety should be a paramount concern when firefighters are operating on fire escapes, says Mike Ciampo.