Command Show: The Senior Nose

Anthony Kastros and Brian Brush talk with Brett Loomis about size-up strategies and risk management in fireground command.
Humpday Hangout

Humpday Hangout: Mastering Firegound Command

Frank Ricci and P.J. Norwood speak with guests Anthony Kastros and Brian Brush about their text, Mastering Fireground Command: Calm the Chaos!

Command Show: Anatomy and Physiology of an Incident

Anthony Kastros and Brian Brush discuss the strategic, tactical, and task levels, and how those levels are crucial for the success of an incident.

Talkin’ Tactics: Command and Line Officer Expectations

Hosts David Polikoff, Robert James (RJ), and Sam Villani discuss what command officers expect from their people.
The interior walls of the supermarket were all covered with fiberboards.

Brain and Fire: Thinking Under Pressure

Marc Coenen considers some of the ways fireground stress can impact firefighter decision making—for better and for worse.
Rick Lasky and John Salka

The Command Post: First-Arriving Sequence of Events

Rick Lasky and John Salka discuss the first-arriving sequence of events at fires in private dwellings.
Caol Mine Lane after fire

A Philosophy of Science for the Fire Service

After a fatal fire, Marc Coenen sought to better understand how mental shortcuts can impact firefighters' decision-making process.
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