Main Street Firefighting

Main Street Firefighting: Vacant Buildings

Chris Tobin and Lex Shady talk about vacant buildings, the language we use to describe them, and the people who may inhabit them.
apparatus flanking on main street buildings

Main Street Memo: Flanking

This training bulletin on building construction for firefighters emphasizes the need for proper apparatus placement at Main Street commercial fires.
Main Street Memo buildings and tools

Main Street Memo: Buildings Dictate Tactics and Tools

This training bulletin examines some of the implications of building construction for your crews' tool and equipment selection.
Main Street Firefighting

Main Street Firefighting: James Johnson

Hosts Chris Tobin and Lex Shady talk firefighting and building construction issues with James Johnson.
Main Street Firefighting

Main Street Firefighting: Joe Pronesti

Chris Tobin and Lex Shady talk with Joe Pronesti on assessing risks in buildings, as well as how age and renovations can affect those assessments. 
straight run stairs

Main Street Memo: Straight-Run Stairs

This month’s firefighter training bulletin on building construction focuses on the implications of straight-run stairs on fire behavior.
Main Street Firefighting

Main Street Firefighting: Myths

Chris Tobin and Lex Shady discuss myths and misconceptions related to legacy buildings.