Larry and David Conley, Denis Onieal, and Rick Lasky

The Larry Conley Show: Inspiring Higher Education in the Fire Service

Larry Conley and the rest of the G.L.U.E. Crew sit down with two giants in the fire service: Rick Lasky and Dr. Denis Onieal.

The Command Post: Size-Up and the 360

Rick Lasky and John Salka discuss size-up and the 360. They discuss the critical observations made and the important results that come from performing these…

Humpday Hangout: Handling Wildfire Incidents

In this Humpday Hangout, Rick Lasky and the panel talk with Wichita West (TX) Fire Chief Ryan Fetzer about wildland fire response.
John Salka and Rick Lasky

The Command Post: Following Orders

What does "following orders" mean for the organization? What does it mean on the incidents to which we respond? Rick Lasky and John Salka weigh…
Rick Lasky and John Salka

Humpday Hangout: Stretching the Initial Attack Line

In this Humpday Hangout, Rick Lasky and John Salka talk about getting water on the fire and stretching the initial line.
Rick Lasky and John Salka

The Command Post: First-Arriving Sequence of Events

Rick Lasky and John Salka discuss the first-arriving sequence of events at fires in private dwellings.
Rick Lasky, Paul Capo, John Salka, and Brian Schonborn

Humpday Hangout: Ground Ladders

Rick Lasky, John Salka, and Paulie Capo talk with Clearwater (FL) Battalion Chief Brian Schonborn about ground ladders.