Alex Degnan Jersey City

FDIC 2025 Preview: The Stuff on Our Backs: Getting the Most Out of What We Are Given

In this class, Alex Degnan reviews tricks of the trade for your fire gear in both rescue and Mayday situations.
Firefighter Air Coalition

Firefighters, Air, and Survival: Technology and the Firefighter Air Coalition

The Firefighter Air Coalition stresses the importance of air management training and technology when it comes to structural firefighting.
Joshau Laird Mayday Monday

Mayday Monday: Packaging the Down Firefighter

Tony Carroll looks at the circumstances behind the death of Frederick County Battalion Chief Josh Laird and offers a related drill.
SCBA bottles on a pallet at FDIC International 2015

Firefighting Fundamentals: SCBA Basics

Mark van der Feyst reviews the SCBA basics that every firefighter needs to know and practice.
Reduced profile firefighter training

Training Minutes: The Reduced Profile Method

Mike Ciampo of the FDNY demonstrates an easy way for firefighters to loosen and adjust their SCBA so they can navigate through narrow spaces.
firefighter turnout pack conversions

Basic SCBA Conversions for RIT Assist

If firefighters in distress have the presence of mind to prepackage themselves for rescue, it can help the RIT operation.
SCBA and firefighter gear in apparatus bay

‘Don’t Worry, It’s Just an SCBA’: Developing a Breathing Air Program

Scott Zelhart gives this overview of the processes and costs of developing a program that manages your fire department’s self-contained breathing apparatus.