Command Show: The Senior Nose

Anthony Kastros and Brian Brush talk with Brett Loomis about size-up strategies and risk management in fireground command.

The Command Post: Size-Up and the 360

Rick Lasky and John Salka discuss size-up and the 360. They discuss the critical observations made and the important results that come from performing these…
Fire and smoke

Size-Up Considerations for the First-Due Engine

A good size-up is concise, paints an accurate picture of the incident, identifies key hazards, and declares the initial strategy and tactics to other companies.

Podcast: The Size-Up Process

Join host Christopher Naum for insights and a discussion about building performance and the size-up process.
St. Louis firefighters at fire scene

Controlled Tactical Aggression

Individuals must effectively lead themselves before they can effectively lead others. Mike Norris on how firefighters can mitigate the effects of stress on decision making.
Caol Mine Lane after fire

A Philosophy of Science for the Fire Service

After a fatal fire, Marc Coenen sought to better understand how mental shortcuts can impact firefighters' decision-making process.
Firefighter at fire scene

Operating in the Flow Path

Ryan Tripp emphasizes the need for firefighters at all levels to have a solid understanding of flow path to accomplish the mission.
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