DeLia data CRR

It’s Not Easy Being ‘Small’ in the Fire Service Without a Good Risk Analysis and Response Plan

When you are small, you have more attuned to firefighter safety and survival than most fire departments, writes Nicholas DeLia.
Jerry Knapp on planning

After-Action Reviews and Tactical Success

Proper planning is essential for fire agency success. Jerry Knapp on why an after-action review is needed to close out your planning cycle.
Firefighters and incident commander at Des Plaines fire

Strategic Planning Informed by Fireground Leadership

Ben Perry reviews some of the critical components to leading a team through strategic planning and what they mean for your fire department.
Strategic Planning for Training and Professional Development

Strategic Planning for Training and Professional Development

Effective fire department training and pro-fessional development don’t just happen.
Strategic Planning:  Creating Future Excellence, Part 2

Strategic Planning: Creating Future Excellence, Part 2

In Part 1 (September 1998), the first six of the 12 steps that comprise the Fire Department Strategic Planning Model were discussed. Steps 7 through…
Strategic Planning: Creating Future Excellence, Part 1

Strategic Planning: Creating Future Excellence, Part 1

The first of a two-part series, this article describes the Fire Department Strategic Planning Model developed by the author specifically for use by fire departments.…


"Strategic Planning for the Fire Service: An Introduction" appeared in October 1996; "The Strategic Planning Process, Part 1" appeared in April 1997.