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The Command Post

Rick Lasky and John Salka talk about fire service leadership and command, management, tactics, and culture.

Rick Lasky and John Salka

The Command Post: The Volunteer Company Officer

Rick Lasky and John Salka discuss the volunteer company officer, what makes a great candidate, and the selection process.
The Command Post FDIC 2024

Live at FDIC: The Command Post

Hosts Rick Lasky and John Salka talk about the virtues of pride and ownership on the job and much more.
Rick Lasky and John Salka

The Command Post: The Exterior Firefighter

In this episode, Rick Lasky and John Salka take a look at the exterior firefighter, a position that many fire departments around the country utilize.
Rick Lasky and John Salka

The Command Post: The OV Position

Hosts Rick Lasky and John Salka discuss the outside vent position, a fireground task that really makes a difference.
Rick Lasky and John Salka

The Command Post: How Into the Job Are You?

How into the job are you? Hosts Rick Lasky and John Salka discuss why it matters on The Command Post podcast.
Rick Lasky and John Salka

Podcast: The Command Post: December 2023

Hosts Rick Lasky and John Salka talk leadership, command, and more.
John Salka and Rick Lasky

Podcast: The Command Post

Hosts Rick Lasky and John Salka discuss preparing to step up and ride the right seat.
Rick Lasky and John Salka

Podcast: The Command Post

Hosts Rick Lasky and John Salka take a look at issues in the modern fire service.