Indianapolis firefighters with ladders

The Firefighter: A Jack-of-All-Trades

Tim Pillsworth discusses how we can remain masters of firefighting basics and still meet our communities' expectations when it comes to all-hazard response.
Electric vehicle battery fires

The Rules of Engagement for Electric Vehicle Battery Fires

The fire service is underprepared for upcoming events regarding thermal runaway batteries. Now's the time to get prepared, says Tim Pillsworth.
Front of home in White Ghost emergency

Ain’t Afraid of the White Ghost? Think Again

Tim Pillsworth recounts his fire department's encounter with a rarely seen oil burner emergency that has potentially deadly consequences for firefighters and civilians.
Winona Lake fire trucks

Are You Fire or Parade Ready?

The firematic parade is still alive and well. But a clean rig does not always mean a fire-ready rig, says Tim Pillsworth.

Best Practices for Cleaning Your PPE

Tim Pillsworth looks at the benefits and best ways to clean and maintain every firefighters most used piece of equipment.

Government Funding: It’s Not Yours!

How many times have you been in a store and heard a parent tell his child not to grab something or to respect someone's property…
Tim Pillsworth: Planning Your Leadership Journey

Tim Pillsworth: Planning Your Leadership Journey

Tim Pillsworth discusses that a fire officer needs to take the well-planned journey in his fire career, not the mindless road trip, to the end.…