Response to gas emergencies

Mayday Monday: Gas Emergency Response

Tony Carroll examines a series of firefighter line-of-duty deaths stemming from gas emergencies, and offers a drill for multigas meters.
Mayday Monday cancer exposure reduction

Mayday Monday: Cancer Exposure Reduction

Tony Carroll reviews some ways firefighters can manage cancer risk by reducing their exposure to carcinogens on the fireground.
Danny Sheridan, Eric Pettaway, Tony Carroll

First-Due Battalion Chief: Managing Resources

When do you call that second alarm? Host Danny Sheridan talks with Tony Carroll and Eric Pettaway about managing resources at an incident.
Daryl Gordon CIncy firefighter LODD

Mayday Monday: What’s Behind That Door?

Tony Carroll examines the death of Cincinnati Fire Apparatus Operator Daryl Gordon and offers a skill/drill in his memory.
Mayday Monday TIC training

Mayday Monday: Thermal Imaging Cameras

Tony Carroll examines some learning points from a 2006 Baltimore firefighter line-of-duty death and a 2021 West Virginia Mayday.
Danny Sheridan and Tony Carroll

First-Due Battalion Chief: Fireground Communication

Danny Sheridan and Tony Carroll talk about the importance of communication on the fireground.
Joshau Laird Mayday Monday

Mayday Monday: Packaging the Down Firefighter

Tony Carroll looks at the circumstances behind the death of Frederick County Battalion Chief Josh Laird and offers a related drill.
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