Indianapolis firefighter with hoseline

The Power of the Daily Stretch

Stretching hoselines with your firefighters is about more than just training. It's about building culture and teamwork, writes Jason Moore.
A firefighter uses his hands to search during a training drill

Hands Make Grabs

Firefighters are often trained to search using a tool, but that may not be the most effective when it comes to locating and rescuing victims.
Response to gas emergencies

Mayday Monday: Gas Emergency Response

Tony Carroll examines a series of firefighter line-of-duty deaths stemming from gas emergencies, and offers a drill for multigas meters.
firefighters forcing entry to vehicle and assembling saw

Escape Room Fire Training

Ron McNew offers an approach to company training modeled after escape rooms, where firefighters must complete a variety of tasks to advance.
Porterville California firefighter LODDs

Mayday Monday: Commercial Building Fires

Tony Carroll reflects on the deaths of two Porterville (CA) firefighters in 2020 and the issues associated with fighting fires in commercial buildings.
Suffolk firefighters training on Mayday drags

Mayday Drill: Years in the Making, Phase 2

Owen C. Thomassen III and Mike Barakey discuss how Mayday training helped the Suffolk (VA) Department of Fire & Rescue improve.
Firefighter stretching a hoseline

Enhancing Fireground Effectiveness Amid Staffing Challenges

Jason Moore delves into strategies and approaches that can enhance fireground effectiveness even amid staffing challenges.
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