Tom Cosgrove on cutting flat roofs

Training Minutes: Cutting a Flat Roof

In this firefighter training video, Tom Cosgrove of the FDNY reviews cutting a flat roof during a fire operation.
Firefighters with hoselines

A Case for the Static Bed: A Suburban Department with Large Urban Buildings

When it comes to extended hose stretches, firefighters must have a reliable way of rapidly and effectively putting the first line in operation.
Detroit Battalion Chief Wickman with firefighters

Postcard from Detroit: One Battalion Chief’s Farewell

Retiring Detroit (MI) Battalion Chief Thomas Wickman looks back on his career and changes both to the city and the fire service at large.
Firefighters on aerial with flames

Firefighters Respond to Four-Alarm Passaic (NJ) House Fire

Ron Jeffers offers some photos of firefighters operating at the scene of a fire in Victorian home in the city of Passaic, New Jersey.
David Rickert on the Milwaukee Method

Training Minutes Revisited: The Milwaukee Method

David Rickert of the Milwaukee (WI) Fire Department discusses considerations when employing the Milwaukee Method for making cuts in steeply peaked roofs.
FDNY Catpain Bob Morris using rotary saw on padlocks

Training Minutes: Cutting Padlocks with the Rotary Saw

In this Urban Essentials video in the Training Minutes series, Capt. Bob Morris of the FDNY demonstrates how to cut padlocks on a door using…
Bob Morris has forcible entry details on padlocks

Training Minutes: Overcoming Padlocks

In this Urban Essentials video in the Training Minutes series, Bob Morris shares a technique for quickly defeating certain types of padlocks.