The Yenta: “Who was that masked man?”

The Yenta and her cohort Ron Jeffers bring some mystery to their latest batch of fire service humor.

The Yenta: “I thought Arnold was the ‘Terminator’—not a fire truck?”

The Yenta is BACK with her cohort Ron Jeffers for more fire service fun.

The Yenta: “Too much traffic inside the house!”

The Yenta returns with her ace photographer to capture some hilarious fire service "moving violations."

The Yenta: “I should have been a cop so I could dress ‘neat-o,’ like you.”

The Yenta returns with her cohort Ron Jeffers to deliver another round of fire service humor, summer style.

“911. What is your emergency?”

The Yenta returns with tales of those shocking 911 calls that seldom seem to shock US.
Calls that Stick with You

Calls that Stick with You

Listen to the old-Timers! In the very early 1970s, I was a member of a rescue squad in Trenton, New Jersey, and busy wasn't the…
Unusual Calls

Unusual Calls

What's the first thing you should check when on a call for keys locked in a car? Only the Yenta knows.