Big Rig Rescue Training Course Returns in 2011

Central Carolina Community College (CCCC) is pleased to offer the BIG RIG RESCUE program again during 2011. The course has been revised to include some different training scenarios that offer greater challenges, more written information, and an updated AV presentation.

The training will be very challenging, both mentally and physically. Attendees are kept to a minimum to ensure MAXIMUM HANDS-ON time.

You will face very challenging yet realistic scenarios including: loaded concrete mixer overturn onto a smaller vehicle, fully loaded van trailer overturn onto an auto, bobtail tractor underride, mixer vs. car in ditch, school bus vs. bobtail tractor, and more. Come, learn, and test your new knowledge and skills! 

The featured presenter will be Billy Leach, Jr. Billy is recognized as the Developer and Sr. Presenter of BIG RIG RESCUE™, and has presented at the FDIC, Firehouse Magazine’s Expo, FDNY’s Technical Rescue School, International Vehicle Extrication Competition, and many other venues. 

This program will feature two and a half days of both classroom and HANDS-ON learning. Attendance is based upon first-come, first served and is very limited to ensure MAXIMUM HANDS-ON.  An extensive handout is provided for reference to attendees. 

Registration fee is $65.00, student manual is $10.00 and accident insurance is $1.25. North Carolina Emergency Responders are exempt from the registration fee. Registration for Spring 2011 courses opens December 7, 2010. The course will be held at the CCCC Emergency Services Training Center, located at 3000 Airport Rd., Sanford, NC 27330. 

What can you expect?

The comprehensive classroom session will provide detailed information for the topics of:

  • Timber Cribbing/Strut Support Operations
  • The 5 Step Discipline for Overturns/Underrides

The hands-on training offers challenges to small teams in a time compressed format, similar to everyday responses. It will be both mentally and physically challenging! Each team is expected to develop a plan of action and execute that plan within a specified time period. Should the initial plan prove unsuccessful, the team is expected to develop an alternate and continue the mission. Careful planning, critical thinking, utilization of classroom learning, and prompt plan execution will be paramount for success.

Future dates for BRR training can been found at and follow the links to the Emergency Services Training Center (ESTC) schedule. Attendees are expected to furnish the following (without exception):

  • Helmet with chinstrap meeting NFPA Std for Technical Rescue
  • Full length fire retardant protective clothing meeting NFPA Std for Technical Rescue
  • Safety glasses or goggles meeting ANSI Std Z87.1+ (helmet shields are insufficient)
  • Gloves meeting NFPA Std for Technical Rescue or Firefighting
  • Protective footgear with impact resistant toe cap meeting NFPA Std for Technical Rescue
  • Small battery operated calculator
  • Pen/pencil
  • Foul weather gear

For additional information or to register for class, please contact Landis J. Phillips, ESTC Director at 800-682-8353 ext. 7779 or 919 776-5601 or 919 777-7779 or e-mail

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