JULY 16-18-AIR-SEA RESCUE II, a training course conducted by a nonprofit program founded by medical professionals, will be held on Cat Island, Massachusetts. Contact: Air-Sea Rescue Program; P.O. Box 1285; Marblehead, MA 01945; (617) 639-1190.

JULY 20-22—On these dates in Atlanta, Georgia, the Transportation Safety Institute is holding its 1993 INTERMODAL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TRANSPORTATION SEMINARS contact: (405) 954-4824 or (202) 366-4900.

JULY 31-AUGUST 1—The second annual ARTHUR FIRE EXPO, sponsored by the Arthur l ire Protection District and held in Arthur, Illinois, will take place. Contact: Chief Gene Good; Arthur Volunteer Fire and Rescue; P.O. Box 16; Arthur, II. 6191 1.

JULY 31-AUGUST 5-The Quebec City Fire Department will host the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs’ 85TH ANNUAL MEETING on these dates in Quebec City, Canada. Contact: Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs; 2-»25-1 Don Reid; Ottawa, Ontario; Canada KIM 1A4; (613) 736-0576.

AUGUST 13-15-MED DIVE, sponsored by Rescue Training Associates, will be held in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Contact: Ross Stone; 1228 Henry Ave.; Bowling Green, KY *2 lo t; (502) 8-*3*8632.

AUGUST 21—The Oklahoma State Firefighters Association’s Educational Advisory Committee is presenting SUMMER SlZZLER ’93: ANNUAL FIRE SCHOOL on these dates in Tulsa, Oklahoma, (‘.ontact: Bobbi Cooper; Oklahoma State Firefighters Association; (405) 424l *52

AUGUST 21-22-The 13TH ANNUAL ANTIQUE FIRE APPARATUS SHOW AND MUSTER, sponsored by the Millville Fire Company and the Glasstown Antique Fire Brigade (South Jersey chapter of the Society for the Preservation of Antique Motorized Fire Apparatus in America), will be held in Millville. New Jersey. Contact. Wheaton Village; 1501 Glasstown Rd.; Millville. NJ 08332-1566.

AUGUST 21-22-COMMAND AND MANAGEMENT FOR THE SENIOR OFFICER, a course sponsored by the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control, will be held in Montour Falls, New York. Contact: The New York State Academy of Fire Science; 600 College Ave.; P.O. Box 811; Montour Falls, NY 14865-0811; (607) 535-7136.

AUGUST 21-22-57TH ANNUAL MONROE FIRE SCHOOL, sponsored by the Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois Firemen’s Association. will be held on these dates. Contact: SW NI Firemen’s Association; P.O. Box 135; Deerfield, IL 60015; (708) 945-4339

AUGUST 22-24-TEAM RESCUE, INDUSTRIAL RESPONSE ’93 WORKSHOP, a preconference workshop to Team Rescue Conference and Exposition, will be held on these dates in Virginia Beach, Virginia. JEMS Conference Division and Industrial Fire Safety are the sponsors. Contact: JEMS Conference Division; P.O. Box 2400; Carlsbad, CA 920182400.

AUGUST 25-27—The University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Department of Engineering Professional Development is offering a course called SMOKE AND FlRE CONTROL DESIGN on these dates in Madison, Wisconsin. Contact: Harold L. Olsen; Department of Engineering Professional Development; University of Wisconsin-Madison; -*32 N. Lake St.; Madison, WI 53706; (800) 462-0876.

AUGUST 28-29-THE THIRD ANNUAL BLOOMSBURG FIRE AND EMS EXPO AND CONFERENCE, sponsored by Boomsburg Hospital Paramedic Services, will lx* held on these dates in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. Contact: Medic One-Expo Committee; 549 E. Fair St.; Bloomsburg, PA 1^815: (71″) 38″-1759.

AUGUST 28 —The Pikes Peak Fire Fighters Association is hosting the 7TH ANNUAL PIKES PEAK AREA FIRE MUSTER, which will be held in Colorado Springs. Colorado. Contact: Vinny Burns, Fire Muster Coordinator; Wescott Fire Protection District; 6615 Vincent Dr.; Colorado Springs, CO 80918.

SEPTEMBER 10-12—The Crown Firecoach Enthusiast chapter of the Society for the Preservation and Appreciation of Antique Motorized Fire Apparatus in America (SPAAMFAA) will host a WEEKEND IN LAS VEGAS, featuring viewing of antique auto Contact: Jeff Riechmann; 38511 Frontier Ave.; Palmdale, CA 93550-4313. *

SEPTEMBER 12-18—The Prince George’s County Volunteer Firemen’s Association’s 7 1ST ANNUAL CONVENTION, hosted this year by the West I.anham Hills (IL) Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad, will be held on these dates. Contact: Tom Burke or* Debbie Pardue; (301) 577-0777.

SEPTEMBER 14-15—A free residential,,, sprinkler workshop, RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLERS: EVOLUTION, APPLICATION, AND STRATEGIES FOR*1 ADOPTION, will be held in Fayetteville, Arkan-^ sas. It is sponsored by the USFA and conducted by the lAFC’s Operation Life Safety Program. Contact: Daniele Dixon; Operation 4 Life Safety; 4025 Fair Ridge Dr.; Fairfax, VA 22033; (703) 273-9815.

SEPTEMBER 17-19-MED DIVE, a course sponsored by the Wauconda Fire Depart * ment, will be held in Wauconda, Illinois. Contact: Mike Wahl; 109 W. Liberty; Wauconda, IL 60080; (708) 526-2821.

SEPTEMBER 20-OCTOBER 20-TheSinga pore Aviation Academy, Civil Aviation Au-* thority of Singapore is sponsoring a course , called AIRPORT FIRE OFFICER on these dates. Contact: Ms. Pang-Neo Guan Hwa; Singapore? Aviation Academy; Civil Aviation Authority; No. 1 Aviation Drive; Singapore 1749; tel: 065-5406216.

SEPTEMBER 23-24 —Interscience Communications Ltd. has announced and has issueet a call for papers for the 2ND INTERNATIONAL FIRE AND MATERIALS CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION, to be held in Crystal City, Virginia.* Contact: Intcrscience Communications Ltd.; 38 Oak Rd.; Rocky River, OH 44116; (216) 333-7978; or 24 Quentin Rd.; London SE13″ 5DF UK; tel: [44] (0)81 318 3362.

Fire-Scarred Los Angeles Faces Another Wind Warning as Wildfires Continue

Millions of Southern Californians were on edge as winds began picking up during a final round of dangerous fire weather forecast for the region Wednesday.

Fire Causes Heavy Damage to Owensboro (KY) Lab, Restaurant

Owensboro firefighters battled a fire in a building that housed a restaurant and medical laboratory.