
October 1-2, Aircraft Crash Fire Rescue Seminar. Contact Grant Smith, 32 Tillinghast Avenue, Menands, NY 12204.

October 17-20, International Crash Fire Rescue Symposium. Contact Maryland Fire and Rescue Inst., Univ. of MD., College Park, Md 20742.

October 17-21, Foam Fire Protection Technology. Contact Paul Gillespie, National Foam, 150 Gordon Drive, Lionville, PA 19353.

October 24-26, The Fellowship of Fire Chaplains Second Annual Conference. Contact Ed Stauffer, Fellowship of Fire Chaplins, P.O. Box 1371, Fort Worth. TX 76101.

October 27-30, 1983 ISFSI Fall Conference and Workshop, The Teaching Process. Contact ISFSI, 20 Main St , Ashland, MA 01721

October 29-30, Aircraft Crash Rescue Seminar. Contact Richard C. Prem, Fire Alarm Headquarters, 18 35 Sheridan Drive, Kenmore, NY 1422 3

November 7-8, National Conference on Fire Fighter Safety. Contact F. R Seibel, P. O. Box 1591, Bowie, MD 207 16

November 7-11, Engineering Foam Fire Protection Systems Design I. Contact Paul Gillespie, National Foam, 150 Gordon Drive, Lionville, PA I9353.

Providence Firefighter Pinned by Sliding Fire Truck During Snowstorm

A Providence firefighter was pinned between a fire engine and a parked car early Sunday morning when the truck got stuck and slid into the…

Two Found Dead in St. Paul (MN) Garage Fire After a Space Heater Was Tipped Over

Two adults were found dead on Sunday after a garage caught fire on St. Paul’s East Side.