Several three-day training sessions in the HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS will be conducted by Ansul Fire Protection in Marinette, Wisconsin. Attendees will learn how to identify hazardous materials, choose the appropriate response agents, and implement the response. For more information, contact Ansul, Spill Control Products Group, One Stanton Street, Marinette, WI 54143-2542, or call Kent Smith, manager of Spill Control Training, at (715) 735-7411.
MAY 8-10—A seminar on YOUNG FlRESET— TERS will be conducted by the Du Page County Fire Chiefs Youthful Firesetters Association in Lisle, Illinois. Ihe seminar will address the problem itself, interviewing techniques, and the referral and education of the young firesetter. For more information, contact Michael Mulcahy, Villa Park Fire Department, at (312) 279-8773.
MAY 9-11 A course on BASIC HEALTH AND SAFETY for state and municipal emergency workers that respond to haz-mat incidents will be held in Lewiston, Maine. Participants learn to appropriately protect themselves and others. The course addresses hazard recognition, emergency planning, and command systems. The course is sponsored by The New F’ngland Consortium. For more information, contact: in Rhode Island. (401) 751-2015; in Maine. (207) 622-7823; in Vermont and New Hampshire, (508) 45991-»5, in Connecticut, (203) 549-1877; and in Massachusetts, (617) 277-0097.
MAY 18-19-FACING THE PROMOTIONAL INTERVIEW, a one-day seminar, will be taught on both days in Irvine, Calif, by John Mittendorf. a battalion chief with the Los Angeles City Fire Department. For more information, contact Fire Technology Services, 22422 Sunlight Creek, El Toro. CA 92360, or call (~14) 583-1914
JUNE 4 — The 11th Annual “Jaws of Life” VEHICLE EXTRICATION AND PATIENT HANDLING TRAINING SEMINAR win be held in waco, Texas. The seminar provides 16 hours of training certified by the State Fireman’s and Fire Marshal’s Association of Texas, the State of Texas Commission on Law Enforcement, the State of Texas Commission on Fire Protection, and the Texas Department of Health. For more information, contact Rescue/Hazmat Consultants, Inc., P.O. Box 20126, Waco, Texas 76702-0126, or call (817) 799-9176.
JUNE 5-7 —A seminar on TECHNICAL FUNDAMENTALS IN FIRE INVESTIGATION win be held at The Wisconsin Center in Madison, Wisconsin. Course topics include “Fundamentals of Gaseous Explosions and Fires,” “Ethical Fundamentals for the Fire Investigator,” and “Electrical Fire Investigation.” For more information. call (608) 262-1299 or (800) 262-6243 (in Wisconsin, (800) 362-3020).
JUNE 5-9-DISASTER MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING is a comprehensive course for emergency clinicians, managers, and educators offered by the George Washington University EMS Degree Program. For more information. contact the George Washington University EMS Degree Program, 2140 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037, or call (202) 994-4372.
JUNE 15-16-“CHLORINE MANAGEMENT” is a 16-hour course held in Columbia, Mary land on chlorine properties and effects and the mitigation and control of chlorine releases. For more information, contact Haz.Mat Training, Information, and Services, Inc., 6480 Dobbin Road, Columbia, MD 21045. or call (800) 777-8474.
JUNE 17-18-THE SEMINAR THAT MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE will be presented by Frank Brannigan. SFPE at the Harrisburg (Penn.) Area Community College. The speaker is the author of Building Construction for the Fire Service. For more information, contact George Stapleton. HACC, 3300 Cameron Street Rd.. Harrisburg, PA 17H0, or call (717) 780-2510.
JUNE 19-23 — The 73rd annual convention of the COLORADO STATE FIRE FIGHTERS ASSOCIATION will be held in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Courses include stress awareness, aerial ladders, field repair of nozzles, arson investigation and detection, and pensions. ” For more information, call the CSFFA a? (303) 452-2590.
JUNE 23-25-The 114TH ANNUAL MICHIGAN STATE FIREMEN’S CONFERENCE win be held in Clare, Michigan. It is sponsored by the City of Clare; Clare Fire Department; and thcCentral Michigan Fireman’s Association. For more information, contact Jeff Michaels, 207 W. Fifth, Clare, MI 48617, or call (517) 386-7439.
JUNE 23-25-The IDAHO STATE FIRE SCHOOL offers three days of intense instruction and guest lecture on a variety of topics: hazardous materials liability, municipal budgeting,. fire suppression, and effective management policies. For more information, call the Boise City Fire Department at (208) 3844460.
JUNE 25-28The NEW ENGLAND ASSOCIATION OF FIRE CHIEFS, INC. win hold its annual conference and exposition in Sturbridge, Massachusetts. The exposition will feature fire apparatus and fireand EMS-related equipment. For more information, contact Chief Martin J. Jordan, Secretary-Treasurer,. P.O. Box 3140. Pocasset, Mass. 02559, or call (508) 759-4412.
JULY 18-20 — A course on BASIC HEALTH AND SAFETY for state and municipal emergency workers that respond to haz-mat incidents will be held in Boston, Mass. See May 9-11 entry for contact.
JULY 23-26—The National Fire Protection Association will present an INTERNATIONAL WILDFIRE CONFERENCE in Boston. The conference’s theme is “Meeting Global Wildland Fire Challenges—The People, The Land. The Resources.” For more information, contact the NFPA, Batterymarch Park, Quincy. MA 02269.
JULY 23-26—The FLORIDA FIRE CHIEFS ASSOCIATION holds its annual conference and fire services exposition in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. Topics include the veteran chief and the rookie chief, purchasing fire apparatus, and assessment centers. For more information, contact Chief Ed Arrants, (407) 775-8260.
SEPTEMBER 12-14 — Haztech International’s Fourth Annua HAZARDOUS WASTE & HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION will be held in Cincinnati, (Ohio. Topics include groundwater tanks and spills; SARA Title III; and public relations skills. For more information, contact the Institute for International Research, 13555 Bel-Red Road, C-96870, Bellevue, WA 98009.
SEPTEMBER 17-20-DIVE RESCUE ’89 win he held in Estes Park, California. The conference features public safety diving authorities in team organization, stress/distress, and medical examinations for divers. For more information, contact the International Association of Dive Rescue Specialists, 2619 Canton Court, Fort Collins, CO 80525.