September 1988-October 1989—The NATIONAL FIRE ACADEMY’S COURSE SCHEDULES are available for classes taken on and off the Emmitsburg, Md. campus. The on-campus course bulletin lists all offerings except the state weekend programs (information on those can be found in the Academy’s 1988-89 Curriculum Catalog). On-campus courses include executive development; command and staff; hazardous materials; arson; fire prevention; training methods; and fire safety. More than 290 courses will be taught off-campus during this schedule. The offcampus courses are selected by the NFA and state training agencies: They include preparing for incident command; community fire defenses; and firefighter health and safety. To request either schedule, contact the Federal Emergency Management Agency, P.O. Box 70274, Washington D.C. 20024.’

September 22-24—The FOURTH ANNUAL VIRGINIA HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CONFERENCE has on its program schedule hands-on workshops for responders, as well as sessions on implementing SARA Title III and OSHA standards. Issues ranging from technical response to command and administration will be addressed at the conference, which will be held in Virginia Beach. For more information, contact Stephen E. Grainer, Technical Skills Training Officer, Virginia Department of Emergency Services, 310 Turner Road, Richmond, VA 23225-6491, or call (804) 674-2454.

September 24— A FIREFIGHTER SAFETY SEMINAR sponsored by Fire Control Services, Inc. is designed to help firefighters gain a better understanding of safety problems. Seminar topics include protective clothing and equipment and firefighter safety behaviors. The seminar will be held in Novi, Mich. For more information, contact Fire Control Services, 3403 Loren Dr., Jackson, MI 49203.

September 24-25—AN INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM SEMINAR will be conducted by Burton W. Phelps, Inc. and the Rehobeth (Del.) Volunteer Fire Department. For more information, contact Burton W. Phelps, 1213 Lorene Drive, Pasadena, MD 21122, or call (301) 437-1990.

September 26-30—A seminar on ENGINEERING FOAM FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS will be sponsored by Chubb National Foam at the University of Maryland. It’s intended to benefit engineers and technical personnel responsible for design, installation, or upgrading of foam fire protection systems. Topics to be covered include a broad review of foam agents, application techniques, and systems design principles. For more information, contact Jane Wyatt, Chubb National Foam System, Inc., 150 Gordon Dr., Lionville, PA 19353, or call (215) 363-1400.

September 27-29—The Chemical Manufacturers Association is sponsoring an EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM WORKS!lOP in Pueblo, Colo. Students can participate in four field exercises: basic tank car valve repair; an intermodel accident scenario; patching nonpressure containers; and transferring liquids and vapors from rail cars. Instruction for most of the seminars will be conducted by the Association of American Railroads’ Transportation Test Center staff. For more information, contact Elaine Fontana, Chemical Manufacturers Association, 2501 M Street, NW, Washington D.C. 20037, or call (202) 887-1255.

September 28-30—The BOSTON ARSON SEMINAR will feature seminars on cause and origin, auto fires, electrical fires, and incendiary devices. For more information, contact Richard J. Splaine, Coordinator, 1988 Boston Arson Seminar, 920 Massachusetts Ave., Boston, MA 02118, or call (617) 725-3324.

October 3-6—The 19TH ANNUAL NEBRASKA FIRE AND ARSON INVESTIGATION CONFERENCE will be held in Grand Island, Neb. For more information, contact Verline D. Hanson, 1401 Pasewalk, Norfolk, NE 68701.

October 3-7—The FOURTH ANNUAL TIDEWATER (VA) REGIONAL HEAVY AND TACTICAL RESCUE SCHOOL will offer classes on Rope Rescue I, Trench Rescue Level II, Confined Space Entry and Rescue, and Air-Med Rescue. There are prerequisites for attending this course and space for only 80 participants; walk-in registrants won’t be accepted. Upon course completion, individuals will be better able to make strategical and tactical decisions based on conditions at hand. For more information, call Captain Chase Sargent at the Virginia Beach Fire Training Center, (804) 425-6272, or Bobby Stanley at the Department of Fire Programs, (804) 798-1311.

October 3-7— ADVANCED RESCUE COURSES will be conducted by Roco Training Specialists, Inc. in Reno, Nevada. The Level I course, designed for veteran rescue personnel with some field experience, addresses rope ascension, advanced hauling/extrication techniques; and advanced confined space litter management. The Level II course emphasizes teamwork and consists of various problem solving evolutions assigned to student teams. For more information, contact Roco Training Specialists, Inc., P.O. Box 40216, Baton Rouge, LA 70835, or call (800) 647-ROCO.

October 8-10—The COLORADO FIREFIGHTERS ACADEMY offers small group discussions, lectures, and 55 hours of hands-on activities. Its faculty includes experts on firefighter safety, rural/ urban interface, training, and ISO ratings in rural areas. For more information, contact Colorado Firefighters Academy, P.O. Box 790, Cortez, CO 81321, or call (303) 565-8457.

October 15-16 —The Emergency Services Division of the Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College will hold its SEVENTH ANNUAL FIREFIGHTERS’ TRAINING CONFERENCE in Ashland, Wis. For more information, contact Jeffrey A. Reames, Fire Training Specialist, 2100 Beaser Ave., Ashland, WI 54806, or call (715) 6824591.

October 20-21—The 26TH ANNUAL GREATER CINCINNATI REGIONAL ARSON AND FIRE INVESTIGATORS SEMINAR will be held at the Evendale Community Center in Evendale, Ohio. This year’s seminar will include class participation in an arsonfor-fraud case. For more information, contact the Greater Cincinnati Regional Arson and Fire Investigators Seminar, P.O. Box 75067, Cincinnati, Ohio 45275, or call (606) 727-2279.

October 22-23-AN INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEM SEMINAR as applied to hazmats will be conducted by Burton W. Phelps, Inc. in Charlottesville, Va. See September 24-25 entry for contact.

October 23-29—Square One Adventures is sponsoring its FOURTH ANNUAL TECHNICAL RESCUE SEMINAR, this year at the Joshua Tree National Monument in California. The course includes singleand dual-suspension litter lowers, manual hauling systems, solo-rope rescues, and patient handling. For more information, contact Square One Adventures, P.O. Box 2008, Yucca Valley, CA 92286-2008, or call (619) 365-3114.

October 24-25— A conference entitled, ”FIRE: CONTROL THE HEAT…REDUCE THE HAZARD” will be held in London, England. Papers will be presented by an international group of speakers on such topics as measurement techniques, data analysis, PVC, and building products. For more information, contact Vyto Babrauskas, Centre for Fire Research, NBS, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, or call (301) 975-6681.

tacoma (wa) firing range

One Killed, Another Injured in Fire at Indoor Shooting Range in Tacoma (WA)

One person was killed and another injured after fire broke out at an indoor shooting range in Tacoma on Sunday.
Deadly Kentucky flooding

Winter Storm Kills Nine, Including Eight in KY Flooding

Eight people in Kentucky died as creeks swelled from heavy rain and water covered roads.