AUGUST 21-25—BASIC & INTERMEDIATE ROPE RESCUE courses will be taught in St. Paul, Minnesota by The Roco Corporation. The basic course teaches knot tying/rigging, equipment technology, and the proper safety precautions used in rope rescue. The intermediate course includes preplanning rescues, traverse rescue techniques, and confined space extraction. For more information, contact The Roco Corporation, 5134 Riverbend Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA 70820-4307, or call (800) 647-ROCO (in Louisiana (504) 769-8877).
AUGUST 21-27—THE FIREMAN S ASSOCIATION OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK WILL hold its convention in Watertown, N. Y. The conference includes committee meetings, business sessions, and seminars. For more information, contact the association at 107 Washington Ave., Albany, N.Y. 12210, or call (518) 434-0987.
AUGUST 26-30—THE IAFC ANNUAL CONFERSPIRIT OF SUCCESS” will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana at the Hoosier Dome and the Indiana Convention Center. Educational sessions planned by the International Association of Fire Chiefs include discussions on fire service response to the Armenia earthquake disaster as well as many other workshops. More than nine acres of exhibits will be available Monday through Wednesday. Sunrise seminars, apparatus maintenance workshop, business sessions, and election proceedings are also planned. For more information, contact the IAFC Professional Development Department, 1329 18th St. N.W., Washington, DC 20036-6519, or call (202) 833-3420.
SEPTEMBER 9-10-BASIC & INTERMEDIATE ROPE RESCUE courses will be taught in Middletown, N.J. by The Roco Corporation. See August 21-25 entry for more information and contact.
SEPTEMBER 10-14—THE ANNUAL APPARATUS EQUIPMENT REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE CONFERENCE will be presented by the Washington State Association of Fire Chiefs at the conference center of Central Washington University at Ellensburg, Washington. Workshops include computer literacy, engine and transmission repair, ladder testing, pump repair/ overhaul, and brake and electrical systems. Continuing education unit certification will be offered for most classes. For more information, contact Darrell Matz, Tacoma Fire Dept., at (206) 591-5744 days or (206) 7593977 evenings.
SEPTEMBER 11-13—THE NATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FIREFIGHTERS’ PERSONAL PROTECTION will be held at the Georgia State Fire Academy in Forsyth, Georgia. The event is sponsored by the International Society of Fire Service Instructors. For more information, contact Julie Welch. International Society of Fire Service Instructors, 30 Main Street, Ashland, MA 01721, or call (508) 881-5800.
SEPTEMBER 11-15—BASIC & INTERMEDIATE ROPE RESCUE courses will be taught in New York, New York by The Roco Corporation. See August 21-25 entry for contact.
SEPTEMBER 12-14 — The 4th annual HAZTECH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION will take place at the Cincinnati, Ohio Convention Center. Educational sessions will be chaired and papers presented by leading professionals. Topics include groundwater tanks and spills, monitoring/ and management; litigation aspects; cleanup; Sara Title III; emergency response; public relations; and more. Haztech organizers are also issuing a call for papers to be presented at this and at their second conference September 27-29 at San Francisco’s Civic Auditorium. For more information, contact Ursula Barril, Executive Vice-President, Haztech International, 13555 Bel-Red Road, C-96870, Bellevue, WA 98009, or call (206) 746-4173 or 1-800-426-5575.
SEPTEMBER 18-22— Two ADVANCED LEVEL ROPE RESCUE courses will be taught in New York, New York. Advanced Rescue I is designed for veteran rescue personnel with some field experience and covers rescue team development, reaction response evolution, and litter techniques wdth attendants. Advanced Rescue II emphasizes teamwork I through leadership and consists of various problem-solving evolutions assigned to student teams. See August 21-25 entry for more information and contact.
SEPTEMBER 19-22—The KANSAS INDUSTRIAL FIRE PROTECTION SCHOOL is offering a variety of one-, two-, and four-day programs in basic brigade training, incident command systems, brigade instructor training, fire protection systems, and hazardous materials. For more information, contact Julie Wight, Coordinator, University of Kansas, Fire Service Training, Continuing Education Building, Lawrence, KS 66045-2624.
SEPTEMBER 27-29 — The 4th annual HAZTECH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION will take place at the Civic Auditorium in San Francisco, California. See September 12-14 entry for more information and contact.
SEPTEMBER 28-30—The 1989 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CONFERENCE will be conducted at the Radisson Hotel in Virginia Beach. The conference is co-hosted by Virginia’s Emergency Services and the Association of Hazardous Materials Response Specialists. Workshops, seminars, demonstrations, and displays for all aspects of the emergency community will be presented. For more information, contact Stephen E. Grainer, Conference Coordinator, at (804) 674-2454.
SEPTEMBER 29-OCTOBER 1—The annual training event SAR CITY USA will take place at Barstow Community College in Barstow, California. The classes, demonstrations, case studies, and displays scheduled to take place relate to search and rescue in all settings. The event is sponsored by the Sheriffs Barstow Desert Rescue Squad, the state of California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, and the San Bernardino County Sheriffs Department. For more information, contact Myrna Gibson, Desert Rescue Team, at (619) 253-3609.
OCTOBER 2-4 — The symposium TAKING THE FEAR OUT OF COMPUTERS IN THE FIRE SERVICE will be held in St. Louis, Missouri by the International Society of Fire Service Instructors. For more information and contact, see September 11-13 entry.
OCTOBER 2-5—The 20th annual NEBRASKA FIRE AND ARSON INVESTIGATION CONFERENCE in Grand Island, Nebraska features hands-on training by taking partipants to the fireground to investigate fires that have been set and extinguished. The conference is open to all directly connected with fire and arson investigation. For more information, contact Adult Education, 8800 “O” Street, Lincoln, NE 68520.
OCTOBER 12-15—The 6th annual INTERNATIONAL EXTRICATION COMPETITION AND LEARNING SYMPOSIUM will be sponsored by the IAFC in cooperation with the Montgomery County Department of Fire and Rescue Services in the Washington, D.C. area. Participants are encouraged to submit an entry for a team in the competition or attend as an observer at the learning symposium. For more information, contact Garry L. Briese, CAE, Executive Director IAFC, 1329 18th St. Washington, D.C. 20036, or call (202) 833-3420.
OCTOBER 14-16 —The 3rd annual COLORADO FIREFIGHTERS ACADEMY will take place in Durango, Colorado. The academy will feature 60 topics including fireground operations, safety, volunteer recruitment, and stress management. Participants receive hands-on experience in many presentations. For more information, contact Pat Connelly, San Juan Basin Votec School, Box 970, Cortez, CO 81321, or call (303) 565-8457.
OCTOBER 22-28 — The fifth annual TECHNICAL RESCUE SEMINAR, at Joshua Tree National Monument in California, features lectures and demonstrations followed by hands-on practice. Technical equipment and meals are provided. For more information, contact Margaret Maher, P.O. Box 2008, Yucca Valley, CA 92286-2008, or call (619) 365-3114.
NOVEMBER 1-3—A FIRE INVESTIGATION SEMINAR will be held in Charlotte, North Carolina. The event is sponsored by the North Carolina Chapter of the International Association of Arson Investigators. For more ^information, contact Terry Lacy, Fire Investigator, at (704) 336-3978.
NOVEMBER 1-3—The 12th NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FIRE, sponsored by the Australian Fire Protection Association, will take place at the Gold Coast, Queensland. With a theme of “Technology, People, and the Environment,” the event will compare American, Australian, and other approaches to fire protection. For more information, contact the Australian Fire Protection Association, P.O. Box 321, North Melbourne, Victoria, 3051, Australia (613) 329-5577 or the National Fire Protection Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269-9101 (617) 770-3000.
NOVEMBER 6-8—The ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN RAILROADS/BUREAU OF EXPLOSIVES 2nd ANNUAL HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SEMINAR will be held in St. Louis, Missouri. For more information, contact Jeff Davis or Cyndi Stone, Association of American Railroads, 50 F Street, N.W., Room 6702, Washington, D.C. 20001, or call (202) 639-2227.