September-November 1985—FALL SCHEDULE of FIRECON’s seminars is now available. Classes include industrial fire protection, hazardous materials for industrial fire brigades, confined space safety and rescue, and more. For more information, contact: Gail Schroll, FIRECON, P.O. Box 4882, Lancaster, PA 17604.
September-December 1985—FALL SCHEDULE of the Firefighter Emergency Services & Rescue Certificate Program is available from Seneca College Newham Campus, 1750 Finch Ave. East, North York, Ontario M2J 2*5. Telephone: (416) 493-4144. Courses include auto extrication, assessment and management in emergency rescue situations, environmental hazards, and more.
September 14-15, 1985—SUPERVISORY AND PERSONNEL DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR sponsored by the Manatee County Fire School, Vocational and Technical Center. For more information, contact: Deputy Chief Bill Maturi, Cedar Hammock Fire Department, Station #1, 5200 26th Street, West, Bradenton, FL 33507.
September 18-20, 1985—DETERMINING THE CAUSE AND ORIGIN OF FIRFS, ARSON AND EXPLOSIONS seminar sponsored by the National Association of Fire Investigators. For more information, contact: Fire Seminar, National Association of Fire Investigators, Suite 300, 53 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL 60604. Telephone: (312)939-6050.
September 28-29, 1985—FIRE TRAINING WEEKEND sponsored by the Wood County Firefighters Association will be held at the Blennerhassett Jr. High School just outside of Parkersburg, WV. For more information, contact: Mark Stewart, Route 1, Box 284-1, Washington, WV 26181.
October 30, 1985—FIRE SAFETY DIRECTORS FORUM will focus on upgrading the fire safety directors’ role and responsibilities. The forum will be held 8 a.m. in CitiCorp, 12th floor auditorium, 299 Park Avenue, New York, NY, and will be sponsored by the Fire Safety Directors Association in conjunction with the New York City Fire Department. For more information, contact: C. W. Sansevero, director of fire/safety, Rockefeller Center Inc., 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Telephone: (212) 489-2906.
October 30-31, 1985—COMPLEXITIES OF FIRE MANAGEMENT IN THE MID-1980S will be the theme of the annual meeting of the California-Nevada-Hawaii Forest Fire Council. This year’s meeting will be held at the Sundowner Hotel, 450 North Arlington Ave., Reno, NV. For more information, contact: Robert W. Weaver, Secretary-Treasurer, Forest Fire Council, 10980 Newtown Road, Nevada City, CA 95959. Telephone: (916)265-5179.
November 7-10,1985—DEVELOPING THE COMPANY OFFICER seminar and workshop to be held by the International Society of Fire Service Instructors at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Cambridge, MA. For more information, contact: ISFSI, 20 Main Street, Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (617)881-5800.
November 19-22,1985—MECHANIC’S SEMINAR, a four-day course held in Waterous Company’s South St. Paul, MN, plant, will cover operation, maintenance, and repair of Waterous pumps and accessories. There is no tuition fee for the class or for the instruction manual, but transportation, meals, and lodging are the responsibility of the attendees. Classes are limited to 18 people. Contact: Waterous Company, 300 John E. Carroll Avenue East, South St. Paul, MN 55075. Telephone: (612)450-5000.