May-September—The National Fire Academy is sponsoring more than 280 FIELD COURSES at various locations throughout the United States. The courses include Preparing for Incident Command, Commanding the Initial Response, and Fire Apparatus Purchase and Maintenance. Contact the Federal Emergency Management Agency, P.O. Box 70274, Washington, DC 20024.
May 28-29—Lamar University Fire and Safety Institute will conduct a 16-hour HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INCIDENT AND ANALYSIS CLASS (HM-I) at the Beaumont (Texas) Fire Training Grounds. The class will cover haz-mats classification, recognition, and identification, use of response guides, and incident analysis. For more information, contact Lamar University-Beaumont, Fire and Safety Institute, P.O. Box 10043, Beaumont, TX 77710; telephone (409) 880-2271.
May 29-31—THE GREAT MINNESOTA FIRE SCHOOL AND EXPOSITION will be held at the Radisson South Hotel, which is located in Anoka, Minn. The school consists of a series of 12-hour courses, including Building Construction I and II, Fireground Management 1 and II, and Wildland Firefighting. Contact Anoka VT1, State Fire School, 1355 West Main, Anoka, Minn. 55303; telephone (612) 427-1880.
June 1-19—TFiE FIRE PROTECTION TRAINING DIVISION of the Texas Engineering Extension Service is offering a wide range of courses in industrial, municipal, and hazardous material firefighting. These include industrial rescue, fire apparatus training, and industrial firefighting. The courses will be held at the Bray ton Firemen Training Field in College Station, Texas. Contact Judith I. Huchton, Texas A & M University System, Texas Engineering Extension Service, College Station, TX 77843; telephone (409) 845-7641.
June 3-5—THE FIRE PREVENTION SEMINAR XIX will be conducted by the Philadelphia Fire Department’s Citizens Committee for Fire Prevention in conjunction with the Philadelphia Fire Department. The seminar will be held at the Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science, which is located on Henry Avenue and Schoolhouse Lane. Write to Armour Floyd, Seminar Coordinator, Fire Prevention Division, 3rd and Spring Garden Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19123.
June 5-6—The California Rescue and Paramedic Association is hosting its SEVENTH ANNUAL PREHOSPITAL MEDICAL SEMINAR at the High Sierra Hotel in South Lake Tahoe, Calif. Contact the California Rescue and Paramedic Association at P.O. Box 77732, Stockton, CA 95207; telephone (800) 345-3800.
June 6-7—The Wisconsin Indianhead Technical Institute will present its SIXTH ANNUAL FIREFIGHTER’S TRAINING SCHOOL at the Ashland campus. Courses for fire service and EMS personnel will be offered. Contact Skip Hafstad, Fire Training Specialist, Wisconsin Indianhead Technical Institute, 2100 Beaser Ave., Ashland, WI 54806; telephone (715) 682-4591.
June 7-12—THE 25th ANNIVERSARY MUNICIPAL FIRE DEPARTMENTS INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION SEMINAR and the 1987 AUTO EXTRICATION COMPETITION AND LEARNING SYMPOSIUM will be held at the York University Campus in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The program will include speakers, panel discussions, and approximately 15 fire service-related workshops. Workshop topics will include auto extrication, hazardous materials, and preparing and using teaching plans. Contact Dave Fields, Regional Supervisor, Fire Advisory Services, Office of the Ontario Fire Marshal, 7 Overlea Blvd., 3rd floor, Toronto, Ontario M4H 1A8; telephone (416) 965-4858.
June 8-12—Roco Training Specialists Inc. will conduct courses in BASIC AND ADVANCED STRUCTURAL RESCUE in Beaumont, Texas. The courses are designed for all rescue and emergency medical personnel, both municipal and industrial. Contact Roco Training Specialists Inc., P.O. Box 40216, Baton Rouge, LA 70835; telephone (800) 647-7626 or (504) 273-3283.
June 8-12—A five-day course on THE MEDICAL MANAGEMENT OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INCIDENTS will be offered by the George Washington University EMS Degree Program. The course will be held at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. The program, which focuses on the medical management of haz-mats, is intended for prehospital care providers and emergency room personnel. It includes lectures and lab sessions. Contact the George Washington University EMS Degree Program, 2140 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20037; telephone (202) 676-4372.
June 8-19—A 10-day HAZ-MAT RESPONSE OPERATIONS course for the industrial brigade will be held at the Westchester County Fire Training Center in Valhalla, N. Y. The program will be sponsored by the State University of New York College at Purchase and the New York Office of Fire Prevention and Control. The course has been designed for industrial, governmental, and military spill and fire brigades that also respond to haz-mats inci dents. It will focus on basic and advanced skills required to deal with haz-mats emergencies. Contact Haz-Mat Brigade Training, Steven Maslansky, 122 Saxon Woods Rd., White Plains, NY 10605; telephone (914) 682-5682.
June 13-17—THE SOUTHEASTERN ASSOCIATION OF FIRE CHIEFS’ ANNUAL CONFERENCE will be held at the Benton Convention Center in Winston-Salem, N.C. The conference will include displays of equipment and apparatus, as well as exhibition booths. Contact Chief Lester Ervin, Winston-Salem Fire Department, 725 North Cherry St., Winston-Salem, NC 27101; telephone (919) 773-7900.
June 17-20—The International Fire Photographers Association will conduct its 24th ANNUAL FIRE PHOTOGRAPHERS TRAINING CONFERENCE at the Holiday Inn in Rolling Meadows, Ill. The classes will cover subjects such as the legalities of photography in court. Write to International Fire Photographers Association Training Conference, P.O. Box 201, Elmhurst, IL 60126.
June 22-26—Lamar University Fire and Safety Institute will conduct a 40-hour HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BASIC EMERGENCY RESPONSE OPERATIONS CLASS (HM-II) at the Beaumont (Texas) Fire Training Grounds. Topics to be covered include scene management, toxicology, detection devices, and medical monitoring. Contact Lamar University-Beaumont, Fire and Safety Institute, P.O. Box 10043, Beaumont, TX 77710; telephone (409) 880-2271.
June 28-July 1—THE NEW ENGLAND ASSOCIATION OF FIRE CHIEFS INC. CONFERENCE will be held at the Dunfey Hyannis Hotel in Hyannis, Mass. Contact Chief Arthur R. Gaudet, 16 Woodlawn St., Amesbury, MA 01913; telephone (617) 388-2036 or (617) 388-1333.
June 28-July 3—The International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators will hold its 15th ANNUAL TRAINING CONFERENCE in Orlando, Fla. The conference will offer training on explosive devices for bomb technicians and investigators. Contact the Orlando Arson/Bomb Squad, Lieutenant John Hackett, 100 South Hughey Ave., P.O. Box 2846, Orlando, FL 32802; telephone (305) 849-2397.
July 6-16—Roco Training Specialists Inc. will conduct courses in BASIC AND ADVANCED STRUCTURAL RESCUE, PROBLEM SOLVING, and SWAT TRAINING in Reno, Nev. The courses are designed for all rescue and emergency medical personnel, both municipal and industrial. Contact Roco Training Specialists Inc., P.O. Box 40216, Baton Rouge, LA 70835; telephone (800) 647-7626 or (504) 273-3283.
July 13-17—Williams & Associates will be holding an AIRCRAFI INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SEMINAR in Orlando, Fla. The seminar is designed to give the emergency response community a better understanding of dangers and complications centered around incidents involving aircraft. It is intended for those who will be involved in emergency response to aircraft or other masscasualty accidents. Contact Williams & Associates, P.O. Box 750781,’ Memphis, TN 38175; telephone (901) 366-6904.
July 19-31—THE FIRE PROTECTION TRAINING DIVISION of the Texas Engineering Extension Service is offering a wide range of courses in industrial, municipal, and hazardous material firefighting. These include courses in municipal, industrial, and haz-mat disciplines. They will be held at the Brayton Firemen Training Field in College Station, Texas. Contact Judith I. Huchton, Texas A & M University System, Texas Engineering Extension Service, College Station, TX 77843; telephone (409) 845-7641.