March-June 1986—The schedule of FIRE SCIENCE PROGRAMS for the New York State Department of State, Office of Fire Prevention and Control, is available. For schedule and information, contact: The Academy of Fire Science, 600 College Ave., P.O. Box 811, Montour Falls, NY 14865. Phone: (607) 535-7136.

March 22,1986&emdash;A seminar on the transition from scuba to surface supplied diving for CONTAMINATED AND HAZARDOUS UNDERWATER SEARCH AND RESCUE will be held in connection with the Underwater Conference at the Marriott Hotel, Tarrytown, NY. For more information, contact: Amron East Coast, 426 S. Country Rd., P.O. Box 72, Brookhaven, NY 11719. Telephone: (516) 286-4700.

March 23, 1986—RESCUE SUNDAY, a special rescue diver workshop is designed for divemasters, instructors, and professional in-water rescue personnel. Topics will include training a rescue diver; new techniques for in-water rescue; decompression problems; how to start a rapid deployment rescue team; secondary drowning and cold water resuscitation procedures; and more. The workshop will be held at the North American Hyperbaric Chamber, City Island, NY. For more information, contact: Walt Hendrick, Lifeguard Systems Inc., 25 W. 43 Street, Suite 920, New York, NY 10036. Telephone: (212)348-6790.

March 26, 1986—The Annual INTERNATIONAL FIREFIGHTERS FIVE-MILE AND TWO-MILE FUN RUN. Sponsored by Foster’s Beer Company, the run is open to all full-time firefighters only (active and retired). The run will be held in Flushing Meadow Park, Queens, NY. For more information, contact: Ladder 40/Engine 37, 415 West 125th Street, New York, NY 10027. Telephone: (212)864-8693.

April-September 1986—STRUCTURAL RESCUE courses conducted by Lamar University, Beaumont, TX, and Roco Rescue will be held on April 9 in Lincoln, IL; April 28 in Chicago, IL; May 12 in Springfield, IL; May 21 in Baton Rouge, LA; June 2 in Beaumont, TX; and September 12 in Sioux Falls, SD. For more information, call: 1-800-647-7626. Write to: Roco Rescue Inc., 1945 Candlewood Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70816.

April 2-4, 1986—ELECTRICAL FIRES INVESTIGATION course. Topics include fire origins; causes of electrical faults and arcing; overloading; insulation; protective devices; and vehicle electrical fires. The course will be held at the Wisconsin Center in Madison. For more information, contact Ken Greenwald, Department of Engineering Professional Development, University of Wisconsin, 432 N. Lake St., Madison, WI 53706. Telephone: 1800-262-6243; in Wisconsin, 1-800-363-3020.

April 14-18, 1986 —BREATHING APPARATUS SPECIALIST SCHOOL is designed to give a better understanding of the capabilities and/or liabilities of wearing SCBA. For more information, contact: Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute, North East Regional Office, 105 W. Bel Air Ave.#7, Aberdeen, MD 21001. Telephone: (301)454-2416.

April 14-18, 1986-INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE CHIEFS meeting will be held at the Doelen Conference Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. This will be the first IAFC conference to be held in Europe, and will focus on such topics as: How cost effective can a fire department be? How fire brigades respond to and operate at hazardous material incidents. The organization of firefighting on-board ships. A European view on automatic fire detection, alarm, and protection systems. And more. For full information, contact: Conference Secretariat, IAFC Conference, c/o Congressdepartment, Rotterdam Tourist Office, Stadhuisplein 19, NL-3012 AR Rotterdam.

April 15-18, 1986—CALIFORNIA FIRE CHIEFS ASSOCIATION will hold their annual workshop “In Pursuit of Training Excellence” at the Centre Plaza Holiday Inn, Fresno, CA. For information, contact: Division Chief G. Tockstein, Santee Fire Depart., P.O. Box 990, Santee, CA 92071. Phone: (619) 448-3648.

April 18-20, 1986—FIRE, EMS, AND RESCUE IN REVIEW will be held at Belmont Technical College in St. Clairsville, OH. For more information, contact: Francis M. Sebring, EMS Coordinator, Belmont Technical College, 68094 Hammond Road, St. Clairsville, OH 43950. Telephone: (614)695-9500.

April 25-27, 1986—NORTH AMERICAN TECHNICAL RESCUE SYMPOSIUM will be held on the campus of Colorado State University at Fort Collins, CO. This forum is not a training session, but a presentation and discussion of new technology and current topics and controversies in technical rescue. For information, contact: National Association for Search and Rescue, P.O. Box 50178, Washington, D.C. 20004. Telephone: (703)3521349.

April 26-27, 1986—HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RESPONSE AND SURVIVAL will be presented by Greg Noll and Mike Hildebrand of the American Petroleum Institute. Sponsored by the McLeod County Fire Chief’s Association and the Office of Emergency Services, the seminar will be held in Hutchinson, MN. For information, contact; Mike Monge, Director, Office of Emergency Services, McLeod Co. Law Enforcement Center, Glencoe, MN 55336. Telephone: (612)864-3134.

May 3-4, 1986—Chief Alan Brunacini will present his INCIDENT COMMANDSEMINAR at the FauquierHigh School Auditorium in Warrenton, VA. For more information, contact: Joe Thomas, Deputy Director of the Department of Fire Programs, 17th Floor, James Monroe Building, 101N 14th Street, Richmond, VA 23219.

May 5-8, 1986—HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SPILLS CONFERENCE, preparedness, prevention, control, and cleanup of releases, will be held at Adam’s Mark Hotel, St. Louis, MO. It will be sponsored by the Association of American Railroads, the Chemical Manufacturers Association, the United States Coast Guard, and the United States Environmental Protection Agency. For information, contact: 1986 Hazardous Material Spills Conference, 655 15th Street, N.W., Suite 300, Washington, D.C. 20005. Telephone: (202)639-4366.

May 5-9, 1986—FLORIDA FIRE MECHANICS SEMINAR will be held at the Ramada Inn in Ocala, FL. For information, contact: Dane Jones, Florida Fire Mechanics Association, 1501 S.W. Broadway, Ocala, FL 32675. Telephone: (813)755-5133.

May 15-16, 1986—DIVER RESCUE, a special workshop to be held at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago, IL. Scheduled topics will include: training of a rescue diver; management of a rescue site; hypothermia, long-term exposure; new techniques for in-water rescue; decompression problems; underwater search and recovery procedures; how to start a rapid deployment rescue team; fast water rescue, line handling and harnesses; secondary drowning and cold water resuscitation procedures; and more. For information, contact: Walt Hendrick, Lifeguard Systems Inc., 25 W. 43 Street, Suite 920, New York, NY 10036. Telephone: (212) 348-6790.

May 16-18, 1986—UNDERWATER INVESTIGATIONS seminar conducted by the Regional Underwater Search & Recovery Unit of the Hamilton County Ohio Police Association will be held at Radisson Inn, Cincinnati, OH. For more information, contact: Tom Wagner or AI Gille, Deer Park Ohio Police Department, Matson & Beech Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45236. Telephone: (513) 791-8056.

May 16-18, 1986—FIRE EXPO ’86 will contain over 225 displays from more than 175 manufacturers of firefighting and other emergency related equipment. Fire Expo will be held at Dutch Wonderland, Route 30 East, Lancaster, PA. For more information, contact John Alexander, Chairman, Fire Expo ‘86,13 Clarendon Drive, Lancaster, PA 17603. Telephone: (717) 299-7169.

May 17-18,1986—The Town of Colonie ANNUAL FIRE CONFERENCE will be held at the Colonie Coliseum in Albany County, NY. Lectures will cover hazardous materials for the first responder; safe roof operations; and OSHA regulations. For more information, contact: Charles F. House, 11 Hudson Court, Watervliet, NY 12189. Telephone: (518)273-1214.

May 18-24, 1986—RIGGING FOR RESCUE is an intensive technical ropework school focusing on new and advanced rope rescue techniques. For information, contact: Arnor Larson, Director, Rigging for Rescue, Box 399, Invermere, B.C., Canada V0A 1K0. Telephone: (604) 342-6042.

May 24-25, 1986—TRENCH RESCUE CLASS will be presented by the South Metro Fire Training Academy in Littleton, CO. The workshop reviews CAL/OSHA emergency shoring applications, timber shores, speed shores, and improvised fire service shoring. For information, contact: Jay Ruoff, South Metro Fire Training Academy, 2301 West Chenango, Littleton, CO 80120.

June 9-13, 1986—ARSON AND FIRE INVESTIGATION COURSE will be sponsored by Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. For information, contact: William Rae, Extension Specialist, Rutgers, Bureau of Government Research, New Brunswick, NJ 08903. Telephone: (201)932-3640.

June 18-21, 1986—ANNUAL TRAINING CONFERENCE OF THE INTERNATIONAL FIRE PHOTOGRAPHERS ASSOCIATION will be held on the campus of Elmhurst College in Elmhurst, IL. For information, contact: William E. Reynolds, IFPA, P.O. Box 201, Elmhurst, IL 60126. Telephone: (312) 530-3097.

New Orleans (LA) Vacant House Fire

Two-Alarm Fire Breaks Out at New Orleans (LA) Vacant House, Authorities Say

A vacant house caught fire in the 7th Ward Saturday morning, according to the New Orleans Fire Department.
Pottsville (PA) House Fire

Woman Found Dead in Pottsville (PA) House Fire

An elderly woman succumbed to injuries in a deadly house fire Friday night, authorities said.