Firefighter Training Drill: Technical Rescue Response Levels

Firefighter training drill by Forest Reeder

Tech rescue response levels drill

Responses to technical rescue and hazardous materials incidents will include technician level personnel as well as non-technician members. The purpose of this exercise is to determine what level of responses your department will function at in selected disciplines. We will also discuss what actions can be taken at the non-technician level; firefighter responder level at these incidents. Company officers will be responsible for making sure that members operate at their response capable level and also must be aware of the procedures for notifying technician level responses for your department. Initial actions for non-technicians should also be reviewed. Consult your department standard operating guidelines (SOGs) and specialty team SOGs for correct actions.

Download this week’s firefighter training drill as a PDF HERE.

MAD Training and Response Solutions

Forest Reeder

Forest Reeder began his fire service career in 1978 and retired as fire chief of the Tinley Park (IL) Fire Department in 2021. He has worked extensively in the areas of instruction, firefighter safety, and officer development and earned his Master of Science Degree in Public Safety Administration in 2004.  He is the author of Fire Department Incident Safety Officer 4th edition (2025) and co-author of Fire Service Instructor Principles and Practices, now in its 3rd edition.  Forest presents nationally on fire service leadership, safety, and instructor development. He was inducted into the Moraine Valley Community College Alumni Hall of Fame in 2020 and awarded the Distinguished Alumnus award in 2021. In 2008, he received the ISFSI George D. Post Instructor of the Year, considered to be the highest recognition for fire service instructors in the nation.

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