Extrication Minutes: Dual-Stage Air Bags

Brock Archer discusses dual-stage airbags and how they can affect firefighters operating at MVAs.

In this week’s video on vehicle extrication, Brock Archer of Advanced Extrication discusses dual-stage air bags and what firefighters can expect from them at motor vehicle incidents.

More: AdvancedExtrication.com

Extrication Minutes: Dash Size-Up

Extrication Minutes: Ultra-High-Strength Steel

Extrication Minutes: High-Voltage Service Disconnect

Extrication Minutes: Windshield Management

Extrication Minutes: Traffic Incident Management

Deadly Kentucky flooding

Winter Storm Kills Nine, Including Eight in KY Flooding

Eight people in Kentucky died as creeks swelled from heavy rain and water covered roads.

Three Dead in Fiery WY Tunnel Crash

The crash sparked a fire inside the tunnel that completely destroyed six commercial vehicles and two passenger vehicles.