Fire Equipment Digest
Rescue Dummy
Fire Research Corporation has announced a smokehouse and rescue dummy that is water and rip resistant.
Each dummy has a seven-piece, humanstyle body with free movements of the head, arms, legs and upper and lower torso. The adult size can be varied from 20 to 250 pounds by changing the type of material in each of the seven body members, which are separately filled. The child size can be varied from 20 to 100 pounds in the same way.
The manufacturer states that the dummy, which is made of heavy-duty nylon, is guaranteed at any temperature up to 300° F.
Circle No. 1 on Reader Service Card
Wetting Agent
Firecraft Division of Western Fire Equipment Company has introduced the Firechem Wetting Agent that breaks surface tension, and the treated water flows into small openings and penetrates materials.
One gallon of Firechem Wett ing Agent will treat from 1000 to 4000 gallons of water, depending on the application. The product is available in 55 gallon drums and one and two-quart containers.
Circle No. 9 on Reader Service Card
Central Sprinkler Corporation has announced an automatic on-off sprinkler listed by Underwriters Laboratories for light, ordinary and extra hazard wet sprinkler systems with a pressure service rating of 175 psi.
The Central on-off sprinkler automatically opens and closes as heat conditions dictate. Water discharge occurs when the 125°F power element and the 165° F sprinkler element are actuated. As the fire is suppressed, a spring-loaded cam closes off the water passage of each sprinkler head individually. A built-in time delay prevents the sprinkler from fluttering on and off. Should the fire reflash, individual sprinklers automatically reopen.
Circle No. 3 on Reader Service Card
Portable Cutter
Hurst Performance Inc., has introduced the model 0 Power Cutter, a 33-pound lightweight portable cutter that can produce up to 15 tons of cutting force. The power cutter cuts auto door posts, chain-link and security fences, and heavy sheet metal barriers. Because it is compact, it gets into tight places easily. It operates off the regular Hurst power unit.
Circle No. 2 on Reader Service Card
Elevator Rescue Kit
An elevator rescue tool kit has been developed by Emergency Service Products and Productions. This kit, available in four models, enables emergency personnel to open elevator doors without damage. The kit, consisting of four high carbon steel tools with illustrated directions, is designed to defeat elevator hoistway door locking devices when passengers are trapped.
Circle No. 4 on Reader Service Card
Demand Valves
Two versions of demand valves have been introduced by Ohio Medical Products. The Ohio Elder demand valve and the Robertshaw demand valve can be used with a portable oxygen cylinder equipped, or a piped oxygen supply.
When used as inhalators, the demand valves deliver 100 percent oxygen. A slight inspiratory effort will trigger the demand valve to cycle on and off automatically in response to the patient’s breathing efforts.
With the manual override button depressed, oxygen will flow at a maximum rate of approximately 1501/min until a maximum valve pressure of 44 mm Hg (54 cm H2O) is reached.
Circle No. 5 on Reader Service Card
Sprinkler Stopper
The Red Head, a sprinkler stopper, is available from Componentry Research and Development Enterprises, Inc.
The Corde Red Head, mounted on any length pipe or pole, is inserted into a flowing sprinkler head. The stopper is held in place by a self-wedging action. Because the wedge can be turned 360°, the Red Head can be used with any style sprinkler head except the flush-mounted type.
Circle No. 6 on Reader Service Card
Life Support System
A stretcher that provides casualty care and monitoring during transportation is manufactured hy Ferno-Washington, Inc.
Capabilities include supplying 2 to 4 hours of oxygen, monitoring EKG’s, delivering defibrilat ion shocks and carrying supplies and equipment needed for suction, resuscitation and treatment of shock. X rays can be taken while the patient remains on the patient carrier section of the unit. The patient carrier accommodates litters such as standard canvas stretcher, a backboard or a Stokes stretcher. The equipment carrier contains four removable equipment drawers that are accessible from either side. Built of lightweight annodized aluminum, this unit can be secured in a vehicle by Ferno-Washington cot fasteners.
Circle No. 7 on Reader Service Card