Firefighting standards at Canadas civilian airports in question

Firefighting standards at Canada`s civilian airports in question

“A National Defence Department document suggests firefighting standards at civilian airports in Canada aren`t up to snuff and may even put lives at risk,” according to an article from The Canadian Press. The report suggests that passengers not able to walk away from a civilian aircraft wreck may be at risk because Transport Canada only requires airport firefighting crews to assist in rescue outside the craft. The primary responsibility is left to the airlines and local fire departments.

The Defence report notes that Transport Canada appears to “rely on one firefighter per firefighting vehicle to suppress or control fire while maintaining, if possible, escape routes.” According to the report, actual rescue at civilian airports is left to the airlines, local fire departments, and other airport emergency workers.

These and other concerns about aviation safety have prompted the establishment of a task force, according to a spokesman for Transport Canada Minister David Collenette, who had asked for a task force report by the end of January. The task force, however, has encountered some dissension. One of the organization members reportedly was considering walking out at press time, and several unions were objecting to what they perceive as opposition by aviation industry groups to a regulation amendment that would require all airports to have firefighting crews available whenever a plane lands.

Source: “Collenette dealt more setbacks on air safety,” Gord McIntosh, The Chronicle-Herald, The Mail-Star, published by The Halifax Herald Limited, Jan. 22, 1998.

Paul Dansbach and Glenn Corbett

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