A former Cleveland firefighter was placed on probation Monday for stealing hazardous material equipment from the city and selling it to a scrap yard to feed his drug habit, reports cleveland.com
Damien Csiszar, a 13-year veteran, told Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge David Matia that his dream job of being a firefighter was taken from him by his own bad choices. He resigned from the job last month.
“I deserve everything that has happened to me,” Csiszar told Matia.
Csiszar pleaded guilty last month to one count of theft, a low-level felony. Matia placed Csiszar on probation for a year and ordered him to pay $4,785 in restitution. Matia also demanded that Csiszar attend drug counseling three days a week and face mandatory testing.
Csiszar, 40, of Brooklyn, said he broke his leg years ago, and a hospital doctor prescribed him painkillers. He became addicted but sought help and stayed clean for years.
Then, last year, he faced stress in his personal life and again began using the drugs, he said.
Jennifer O’Malley, an assistant Cuyahoga County prosecutor, said firefighters in December began investigating the theft of equipment at Fire Station 7 on Woodland Avenue. She said the station houses equipment to handle hazardous materials.
Read more of the story here http://bit.ly/1tg3HTd