Jessica’s rescuers are commended by NFPA

Jessica’s rescuers are commended by NFPA



The rescue of trapped toddler Jessica McClure last October has prompted a lot of people to express praise for the Midland (Texas) Fire Department, from Vice President George Bush, who visited the town, to letter-writing strangers.

Recently, those involved in bringing the 18-month-old girl to safety were commended by the National Fire Protection Association at its fall session.

The plaque reads, “To Chief James L. Roberts of the Midland Fire Department and to the citizens of Midland, Texas, who once again reminded the world of the power of voluntarism and the power of love.”

“It’s great to be recognized . . . but it’s particularly rewarding when the recognition comes from your peers,” says Roberts.

Glenn Corbett and Paul Dansbach

Fire Safety in Old Theaters

In this Training Minutes video, Paul Dansbach and Glenn Corbett review fire safety and firefighting concerns in old-style theaters.