Excellent Series
I’d like to commend Chief Warren Isman for the excellent series of articles on hazardous materials he has written for Fire Engineering. I find them very informative, and I look forward to future articles.
Kenneth W. Rau
Fire Fighter, Springfield Fire Department
New Jersey
Yes for Emmitsburg West
In your July 1983 issue J. Gordon Routley presented his views on the National Fire Academy’s plan for a satellite campus west of the Mississippi.
I agree with Mr. Routley’s view that the “melting pot effect” is advantageous to the exchanging of ideas and experiences but two factors arise that in my opinion override this advantage: there are major differences in most facets of fire fighting between the east and the west involving population density and urban sprawl, age and condition of structures, weather and climate, traditions and general views, and to some extent, construction materials; secondly, the rising costs of travel and accommodations in conjuction with diminishing budgets is creating a need for fiscal efficiency.
These two factors place a significant demand for a second campus.
The “dilution effect” implies that not enough talent is available to retrain the quality of instruction of the Emmitsburg campus. I cannot disagree more. We have only touched the surface of the pool of individuals available and more than qualified to staff a second campus while retaining the integrity and excellence of Emmitsburg.
The “displacement effect” is a myth. Every fire department I have visited and all the officers and personnel I have talked to use the National Fire Academy as a supplemental training and educational facility. Has the Emmitsburg campus displaced state training programs in the east? I don’t think so. There is no more a threat for a western campus to displace western state programs than the Emmitsburg campus to displace eastern programs.
I feel there is a great need for the source of supplementary training and education that a western campus would provide for the western states. Educational and training needs indigenous to the western U.S. must be addressed. Economics must be considered. Quality of programs can be upheld with two Academy sites by utilizing the vast number of individuals qualified to staff a second campus. The National Fire Academy is a supplementary source of training for fire departments across the nation and a second campus is not going to change that concept. I look forward to a second National Fire Academy campus. The greater the number of individuals exposed to the quality programs presented by the Academy the greater the quality of the overall fire service. The more persons attending the Academy the more Congress can be convinced of the need for it and appropriations for progressive improvements can be dispensed.
Richard M. Moreno
Fire Chief,
Tucson Fire Department, AZ
More Info on LOC
Following publication of my letter “Save $$ on Wetting Agents” in the May issue, I received a flood of enquiries to which I wish to reply.
We add one cup of Amway Liquid Organic Cleaner (LOC) to every 1000 gallons of water in all our booster tanks and tankers whenever they are filled, including during tanker shuttles. We carry it in four cup (1 quart) containers for easy measuring, although the proportion isn’t critical. It mixes almost immediately even without agitation.
LOC acts as a wetting agent to permit water to penetrate burning rubbish, cloth and upholstery, and into cracks so overhauling can be accomplished much more quickly, using much less water.
C. Bruce Edwards
Deputy Chief
Wabasca Alberta Fire Department, Canada
ALS Champion
The paramedics from the Boca Raton Fire Department in Florida emerged as the 1983 National Advanced Life Support Champion in this year’s competition. The fifth annual one-day competition, consisting of 36 teams, pitted three person paramedic teams against specific problems with definined judging criteria. The judges were an emergency physician and three paramedics.
The ALS Contest is a key part of the Annual Clinical Conference on Pre-hospital Emergency Care which is held annually in Orlando, FL and is sponsored by the Florida Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians. This year over 1200 EMTs, paramedics, fire fighters, emergency physicians and emergency nurses attended.
The National ALS Contest is used as a mechanism to improve the quality of prehospital emergency services. For further information on how to organize your own ALS contest, contact: Garry Briese, CAE, Exec. Director, Fl. Chap. ACEP, 600 Courtland St., Suite 420, Or ando, FL 32804.