​Napa Valley County (CA) to Take Delivery of Hazmat Truck

FORT COLLINS, CO—The Napa Valley County (CA) Fire Department has taken delivery of a new hazmat truck—a partial walk-in unit with lab area and slideout tech station. The unit will go into service immediately.

The unit features SVI Trucks’ proven walk-in hazmat design, the same go-to design Salinas, California, put into service last year.

SVI’s latest hazmat truck features an aluminum body mounted on a Spartan Gladiator MFD chassis with a 450-hp Cummins L9 engine and Allison EVS 3000 transmission. The cab command center features a 10-inch raised roof, L-shaped desk with radio console and Middle Atlantic 24U Data Rack. The walk-in hazmat lab features a spacious, heavy-duty slide-out with stainless-steel workbench, Flow Sciences interior lab containment enclosure, and WeatherPak TRx2 Weather System.

Meanwhile, the Napa Valley hazmat exterior is equipped with a Zico Nitrogen bottle lift, a Bosch Command Camera System on 40-foot mast, OnScene Solutions heavy-duty cargo slides with LED compartment lights, and a Command Light CL611A-HQ light tower with Whelen Pioneer+ LED scene lights.

“Napa Valley’s planning committee was outstanding to work with,” said Blair Schrock, SVI Trucks’ Western Sales Manager. “They were very engaged with this truck and were able to pinpoint exactly what customizations their crew needed.”

To view the specs, features, and drawings of this truck, visit http://www.svitrucks.com/portfolio-items/napa-county-ca-fire-department-haz-mat-1026/?portfolioCats=20.

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