Austin, TX, one of the most flash-flood prone areas in the nation, demands that its fire department be proficient with rapid water rescue techniques. This high level of efficiency is accomplished through sound judgment, thorough subject knowledge, and calm nerves.
Austin lies on the edge of the Balcones Escarpment, a range of foothills beginning in the western portions of the city and stretching north and south along Interstate35. Warm moist air from the Gulf of Mexico hits these hills and thunderstorms often develop. Rainfall accumulations of 12—15 inches in a 24-hour period are possible in some rare situations.
The most noted example of such a deluge occurred on Memorial Day 1981. The Austin Fire Department’s rapid water training program was responsible for 33 people being saved from probable drowning. Thirteen people died, but most of them were never in a position to have been saved.
Since that time, the department has embarked on further rapid water training which includes the development of a dive-rescue team trained as certified divers and rapid water rescue specialists, a diverescue van and raft, plus in-service training of all firefighting personnel.
As with any fire or emergency scene, there are basically three situations in a water rescue:
- The victim is in no immediate danger;
- The victim is in danger, possibly under water but with resuscitation possible;
- The victim is probably lost.
All the knowledge in the world about rapid water rescue is worthless if the rescue is attempted in an environment that is untenable. Determining the strategy and tactics to employ at a water rescue is contingent upon the size-up of the rescue site environment, which involves five major areas of concern.
The stream’s banks are one of the most important considerations. The stream must be reached before any method will be effective. Dense brush, crumbling banks, and steep cliffs are important factors. Dense brush could eliminate the “continuous loop rope” method (Figure 1), crumbling banks could eliminate wading methods (Figure 2), and difficulty in using the stream’s banks could necessitate the use of auxiliary equipment such as a truck company’s aerial or ground ladders. It would be prudent to have a truck company present at any rescue scene if at all possible.
Experienced water rescue personnel should know exactly what is under the surface and how the current will affect the rescue. As the stream’s speed increases, rocks near the surface cause disturbances just downstream. As more flow presents itself, the bigger this disturbance becomes. Often a “souse hole” or “hydraulic” is formed (Figure 3).
Another obstruction one must be able to identify is “strainers.” The number of deaths caused by strainers are second only to the number of deaths caused by hydraulics. Strainers, as their name implies, strain or sift out objects flowing in the stream (see Figure 4). If a victim is caught in a strainer, quick rescue is unlikely, and the rescuer should not free-float or walk to him, but should be attached to a safety rope to keep from becoming entangled in the strainer. If swimming in a rapid, go head and arms first, not feet first as in the traditional defensive swimming position. This scenario might necessitate special rope techniques such as the “telfer” lower (see Figure 5).
Photo by Mike Pearson
Eddies can be used as a route to victims. If heading towards an eddy, remember the rule that you try to avoid the point of an upstream V and head towards downstream Vs.
Often eddies can be found below an obstruction that a car or house rests on. The water swirls around the obstruction filling the void behind the object; this current behind the object is usually of less velocity than the mainstream and flowing in the opposite direction. In addition, any debris in the stream should be noted and a resr cue technique implemented that minimizes the debris’ effect.
The hydraulic effect of streams causes more deaths than any other aspect of rapid water. These hydraulics, or “holes” as they are often referred to, can engulf a boat, swamp it, trap it in the “keeper,” and completely destroy the boat and occupants. When rescuing victims from a hydraulic, extreme caution is needed. Remember the rapid water commandment: Never send personnel into the water unless there is a means to retrieve them. If such a place must be entered, do so with a throw line anchored either on the bank or to a well-anchored boat just outside of the hydraulic, or by the continuous loop method with the lead man using a probe device extended out to the victim to try to keep from getting too deep into the hydraulic. If an untethered rescuer is thrown into a hydraulic, he should dive and swim out with the downstream current underwater, or swim along the vertical drop area until he reaches a break in the drop or the shore.
Other factors in the size-up include the weather and the victim’s condition. If rain is expected, when and how much should be known. Furthermore, air and water temperatures are key factors, dictating many procedures in the rescue. Different body types react in different ways to cold water. Heavier people cool more slowly, children lose heat three times as fast as adults, and victims with high blood pressure or diabetes cool fast. The victim’s condition is very important and rescuers must consider injuries caused by the accident as well as the victim’s physiological makeup.
Once the size-up is completed, a plan should be implemented. Those stream and weather conditions that contribute to noise and illumination problems can be overcome by the use of bullhorns or a public address system and the use of emergency lighting.
The most experienced and capable swimmers should be in the water. If the water is above thigh level, a firefighter should not enter the water without a safety line while using any wading technique. If at all possible, an additional unit should be downstream with a firefighter ready to enter the water if it becomes necessary.
The rescuer’s clothing should include: a personal flotation device (PFD) for self and victim(s), tennis type shoes or diver’s booties, knife, light, helmet, and no turnout coat or pants. There should also be some way for inwater rescuers to communicate with land personnel. Throw bags should be readily available to be thrown either to a victim or to ground-based firefighters.
Victims in or on cars should be urged to stay put if possible. If time allows, rescue personnel can secure the vehicle from the bank or on both sides if the stream is narrow enough. Once a rescuer is secured at the site, the victim should be secured to a rescue line or to the rescuer in such a manner that both rescuer and victim can be quickly released if the rope becomes snagged or pinned underwater. If the rescue seems excessively risky at the present location, victims should be moved to a safer location, if possible, with or without firefighters’ direct help. When instructing victims, the rescuer should be calm and reassuring, but forceful.
The most common rescue will deal with vehicles in streams or flooded roads. The rescuers should not try to approach a vehicle from the downstream side unless absolutely necessary due to the possibility of a vehicle moving. A downstream approach could be necessary though if the water is too high on the upstream side. Also, with large or injured victims, special extrication techniques might be needed, like cutting off doors or breaking windows.
The same techniques used for vehicle rescue can be used for most other types of water rescues/extrications. Various situations could necessitate special approaches. House and building rescues are usually done via porches or roof tops. If it is an interior rescue, remember to avoid leaving the building on the upstream side, and get in and out very quickly. Buildings could be demolished if hit by a moving car or tree.
Some situations will necessitate the use of special equipment. Fire department rescue boats, especially the rigid raft type, could be used, and in swift water should usually be moved via ropes. This could be done with ropes on each bank or by the use of a bow and stern rope to the same shoreline using pull down hooks as poles to keep the craft out in the stream.
In some situations, a fire hose might be used for rescues. If hose end seals and adapters are not available, the hose could be connected to form an air-filled loop. Inflation can be accomplished with self-contained breathing apparatus, a cascade type air refill system, or by mouth.
Cascade air system. A bank of large volume pressurized air cylinders from which, if used one bottle at a time, you can refill a smaller bottle to the full pressure that is desired.
Eddies. An area of water downstream from an obstruction or on the inside of a bend in which the current is reversed or circular.
Hydraulic. A reverse top current flow back towards an obstruction, dam, or falls. The leading cause of death in rapid water related accidents.
Keeper/Rolier. A large wave found at the bottom of a ledge or chute. The flow in this wave is opposite of the river current.
Pillow. A portion of water which is pushed upward over an underwater obstruction creating a smooth mound or “pillow” on the surface.
Souse hole. An area immediately downstream of a large underwater obstruction in a powerful current. It is characterized by a foamy backflow on the downstream side and has a lower surface level than that of surrounding water.
Strainer. An obstruction in a stream which allows the water to flow through it. Brush, fallen trees, or bridge pilings fall into this category. Strainers allow water to pass through but pins the victim against the obstruction.
Telfer. A rescue system of ropes and pulleys with boat, usually controlled from shore. An anchor line is stretched across the stream, the boat floated downstream on a belay line, with tag lines attached for horizontal placement. Used when more conventional means of rescue are not feasible or have failed.
Throw bag. Fabric bag with flotation in bottom, drawstring at top of bag, 75-100 feet of 1/4-inch to 1/2-inch diameter polypropylene or polyethylene rope tied to bottom with loop protruding out of bottom, rope stuffed (not coiled) inside. Free end of rope held in hand while bag portion is thrown. Good way to store and deploy rescue rope.
In extreme emergencies, the aerial of a ladder company can be used. If the rear-mounted aerial is used, it is safer to use it extended over the cab and still bedded. If the aerial is extended from the rear, support assistance may be needed from ground ladders. Remember that lives are more important than possible damage to equipment.
With use of the aerial ladder, there should be a hose roller on the fly end with a rope anchored by the crew. There should be a rope around a beam to allow for emergency breaking. Ground ladders could be used as a ladder float. The ladder float is accomplished by tying flotation devices to the end of the ladder with a guide rope attached. The ladder could also be lowered like a drawbridge operation with apparatus lowering the ladder and firefighters heeling the ladder, or all done manually.
National Guard and City of Austin emergency medical service (EMS) helicopters, with a response time of approximately 25-30 minutes and 5-7 minutes respectively, are available for use by the fire department. The EMS’s choppers are equipped as air ambulances, and a firefighter with a radio rides in all choppers. The Austin Fire Department’s dive-rescue response team, hazardous material rescue units, and truck companies are equipped with rapelling/rapid water rescue gear compatible with chopper use.
Through the use of training and equipment, the dangers of rapid water to the citizens of Austin and the members of the Austin Fire Department are greatly reduced.
Photo by Mika Pearson
Water rescue response equipment
A water rescue call received at the computer aided dispatch (CAD) center of the Austin, TX, Fire Department brings one engine, one truck, one hazardous material/rescue unit, and the dive-rescue response van with raft. If the call is received as “high water,” the first-in engine in that boxalarm area responds. If the officer determines the call to be a water rescue, dispatch will be notified and the remaining water rescue response units sent to the scene, with at least one unit responding to the opposite shore. In the event of multiple water rescue alarms, a truck company will assume the responsibilities of the dive-rescue team, but without a boat. Austin Fire Department apparatus are equipped as follows for water rescue alarms:
100 feet of 5/8-inch double braided nylon rope;
75 feet of 3/8-inch polypropylene rope as a throw bag;
Three to four personal flotation devices (PFD);
Trauma kit;
Hazardous material/rescue units:
200 feet of 5/8-inch double braided nylon rope;
100 feet of 5/8-inch double braided nylon rope;
50 feet of 5/8-inch double braided nylon rope;
Two 125-foot sections of 5/8-inch double braided nylon rope;
Four 50-foot sections of 1/2-inch double braided nylon rope;
75 feet of 3/8-inch polypropylene as a throw bag;
Three PFDs;
Stokes basket;
Rapelling gear such as carabiners, pulleys, prussik loops, edge roller, swiss seats;
Trauma kit;
Air bags;
Extrication tools;
Telescopic quartz-halogen light tower;
Two quartz-halogen light poles, rear mounted;
Two 3X spot/floodlight poles, front mounted.
The rapelling/rescue gear and rope as specified for hazardous material/rescue units;
Full compliment of ladders;
Hydraulic rescue/extrication tools;
Light packages;
Trauma kit;
Three to four PFDs;
Extra self-contained breathing apparatus tanks.
Dive/rescue van and raft:
Two 300-foot sections of 5/8-inch rope;
Four 200-foot sections of 5/8-inch rope;
A 15-foot, 8-man rigid raft, aluminum floor and transom with 30 hp longshaft outboard, five air compartments;
Dive control system;
Four dry suits;
Four band masks;
Two 200-foot umbilical with communications and pneumofathometer;
Four complete sets of conventional self-contained underwater breathing apparatus;
Assorted personnel dive gear (12 sets of masks, fins, snorkels).