Arizona State University, The Aircraft Crash & Mass Casualty Management Course, Feb. 6-10, April 9-13. Contact Arizona State Univ., Centr. for Prof. Devlp., Temple, AZ 85287.

Colorado Training Institute, Hazardous Materials Awareness, Jan. 10-12, Mar. 13-15, May 15-17, Oct. 16-18; Hazardous Material In-Depth, Feb. 6-17, April 2-13, June 4-15, Sept. 10-21; Commercial Vehicle/Cargo Tank Compliance/ Inspection, Mar. 5-9, May 7-11, Sept. 24-28; Shipper/Carrier, Jan. 23-27, Nov. 5-9. Contact The Institute, 1001 E. 62nd Ave., Denver, CO 80216.

Fire Service Institute, Management III, Jan. 9-13; Instructor II, Jan. 16-20; Fire Prev. Principles, Jan. 30-Feb. 3. Contact Gerald Monigold, Univ. of Illinois, Ill. Fire Servce Inst., 301 S. Wright St., Champaign, Ill. 61820-4599.

Louisiana State University, Haz-Mat In-Depth, Jan. 7-15; Fire Fighter II, Jan. 9-14; Industrial Fire Chief’s School, Jan. 16-20, Fire Fighting & Safety Equip. Display, Jan. 20-21; Industrial Fire School, Jan. 24-26, Feb. 14-16, Feb. 21-23; Vehicle Rescue, Jan. 3-Feb. 3; Industrial Team Leader, Feb. 1-2; High Rise Fires, Feb. 7-8; NFA-International Relations for Fire Service Supervisors; An Intro., Feb. 25-26. Contact A. J. Esposito, LA State Univ., Firemen Training Program Div. of Cont. Ed., Baton Rouge, LA 70803.

National Fire Academy (FEMA), Haz-Mat Incident Analysis, Jan. 28-29; Increasing Personal Effectiveness Course, Feb. 4-5; Fire Fighting Risk Analysis, Feb. 18-19, Increasing Team Effectiveness, Mar. 3-4; Incident Command System and Structural Fire Fighting Course, Mar. 17-18. Contact National Emergency Training Center, 16825 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg, MD 21727.

University of Wisconsin, Existing Housing Inspection, Jan. 9-11; Residential Inspection, Jan. 11-13; Building Inspection, Jan. 16-20, Electrical Inspection of Housing & Light Commercial, Jan. 16-20. Contact Philip Bennett, Dept, of Eng., Univ. of Wisconsin Extension, 432 North Lake St., Madison, WI 53706.

Four Firefighters Hurt in Fire in Abandoned Harlem (NY) Building

Four firefighters were injured battling a massive fire that tore through an abandoned Harlem building where jazz icon Billie Holiday reportedly once lived.