Arizona State University, The Aircraft Crash & Mass Casualty Management Course, Feb. 6-10, April 9-13. Contact Arizona State Univ., Centr. for Prof. Devlp., Temple, AZ 85287.
Colorado Training Institute, Hazardous Materials Awareness, Jan. 10-12, Mar. 13-15, May 15-17, Oct. 16-18; Hazardous Material In-Depth, Feb. 6-17, April 2-13, June 4-15, Sept. 10-21; Commercial Vehicle/Cargo Tank Compliance/ Inspection, Mar. 5-9, May 7-11, Sept. 24-28; Shipper/Carrier, Jan. 23-27, Nov. 5-9. Contact The Institute, 1001 E. 62nd Ave., Denver, CO 80216.
Fire Service Institute, Management III, Jan. 9-13; Instructor II, Jan. 16-20; Fire Prev. Principles, Jan. 30-Feb. 3. Contact Gerald Monigold, Univ. of Illinois, Ill. Fire Servce Inst., 301 S. Wright St., Champaign, Ill. 61820-4599.
Louisiana State University, Haz-Mat In-Depth, Jan. 7-15; Fire Fighter II, Jan. 9-14; Industrial Fire Chief’s School, Jan. 16-20, Fire Fighting & Safety Equip. Display, Jan. 20-21; Industrial Fire School, Jan. 24-26, Feb. 14-16, Feb. 21-23; Vehicle Rescue, Jan. 3-Feb. 3; Industrial Team Leader, Feb. 1-2; High Rise Fires, Feb. 7-8; NFA-International Relations for Fire Service Supervisors; An Intro., Feb. 25-26. Contact A. J. Esposito, LA State Univ., Firemen Training Program Div. of Cont. Ed., Baton Rouge, LA 70803.
National Fire Academy (FEMA), Haz-Mat Incident Analysis, Jan. 28-29; Increasing Personal Effectiveness Course, Feb. 4-5; Fire Fighting Risk Analysis, Feb. 18-19, Increasing Team Effectiveness, Mar. 3-4; Incident Command System and Structural Fire Fighting Course, Mar. 17-18. Contact National Emergency Training Center, 16825 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg, MD 21727.
University of Wisconsin, Existing Housing Inspection, Jan. 9-11; Residential Inspection, Jan. 11-13; Building Inspection, Jan. 16-20, Electrical Inspection of Housing & Light Commercial, Jan. 16-20. Contact Philip Bennett, Dept, of Eng., Univ. of Wisconsin Extension, 432 North Lake St., Madison, WI 53706.