■ The Canadian Chemical Producers’ Association (CCPA) and the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs (CAFC) have produced the FIRST RESPONDER AWARENESS TRAINING PACKAGE ($35), designed for those who may be at incidents involving hazardous materials or dangerous goods (available in French and English). The trainee workbook, instructor’s manual, and video provide the knowledge required to take appropriate actions in the initial stages, as defined by NFPA t”2 Contact: CAFC in Ottawa, (800) 6682955, (613) 736-0576.

■ I he Emergency Care Information Center has compiled the 1992 NATIONAL TRAUMA CENTER DIRECTORY (S75 for the report, $ 125 on a diskette), a comprehensive list of hospitals designated as trauma centers. The report, which lists 339 trauma centers, includes the level of care designation and verification criteria used for the designation.Contact: Jems Bookstore, (800) 266-JEMS or Emergency Care Information Center, 1947 Camino Vida Roble, Suite 200, Carlsbad, CA 92008, (619) 431-9797.

■ Ludwig Publishing offers COMPUTERS IN THE EMS AND FIRE SERVICE (S25), a book that orientates the reader to computers and their application to EMS and the fire service. The first part of the book focuses on hardware. software, data communications, and more. The second part discusses topics such as computer-aided dispatching, mobile data computer, hydrant flow testing, hazardousmaterials tracking, and more. Contact: Ludwig Publishing. “015 Itaska Dr., St. Louis, MO 63123, (314) 752-1240.

■ Emergency Film Group offers CHEMICAL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, a 29-minute video and accompanying guide, which outlines a five-hour training program in the selection.use, and maintenance of chemical protective clothing. The film describes the criteria for selecting vapor protective suits. liquid splash protective suits, and support function protective garments. Other topics covered include medical monitoring; heat illnesses; inspecting, testing, and storage of garments; and record keeping. Contact: Shirley Ayers. (800) 842-0999.

■ Media Resources, Inc. offers the video training program PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: USING AND MAINTAINING SCBA (SI25). After completing the program. the student will be able to identify’ SCBA components, functions, and procedures for use. A 60-minute video; an instructor’s guide with lesson plan activities; and a reproducible study guide are included. Contact: Media Resources, Inc.; 2614 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver. WA 98661-3997; (800 ) 666-0106.

Jack Gramlich Spring Lake assistance chief on water rescue Code X

Water Rescue: The Search for a Missing or Submerged Swimmer

Spring Lake (NJ) Assistant Chief Jack Gramlich explains "Code-X" and procedures to deal with incidents involving missing or submerged swimmers in open water environments.

Man Dies After Explosion Leads to Fire at Residence in Waterbury (CT)

A man has died after an explosion in a home in Waterbury on Sunday led to a fire at the residence.