Video: Vehicle Accident Victim Removal

Chris Mills on vehicle extrication
Firefighters Support Foundation/YouTube

The Firefighters Support Foundation’s (FSF) newest training program is now available. 

“Our Vehicle Accident Victim Removal  program follows up on our very popular Eight Minute Extrication program that we recently released,” says FSF President David Kenik, “It demonstrates the fastest way to achieve the next step – getting the victims removed to care.”

This 25-minute video program starts with a peeled back car on its wheels, on its side, and on its roof, and then demonstrates the quickest, safest methods to extricate the victims in each case.  It compares and contrasts typical methods used on MVC scenes, and shows how to save time with improved techniques.


Modern Vehicle Extrication Hazards

The presenter is Chris Mills, a career firefighter and nationally-known extrication instructor.  Mill’s deep knowledge of the subject comes through, and his fast-moving, non-repetitive style makes the material both entertaining and highly instructive. The program is free to all members of public safety and  emergency management agencies.

Simply watch in the player above, or go HERE to download (either as m4v or mpg).

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