Waterous Demonstrator Tour

Waterous Demonstrator Tour

Fire pump operation and maintenance classes will be offered by the Waterous mobile demonstrator, beginning in March 1983. Designed to demonstrate basic pump principles and maintenance, the class will update fire fighters and answer any questions.

The 24-foot trailer contains six popular model fire pumps cut away to show the internal components of centrifugal pumps. The free instruction lasts about 3 to 4 hours. Contact Dan Juntune. Sales Rep., Waterous Co., 300 John E. Carroll Ave., East St. Paul, Minn. 55075 for information on the demonstrator’s location.

CA Fire Department Pilot-Testing Drone Response to “Unknown Type” Fire Calls

The San Bernardino County Fire Protection District has launched a pilot program making drones the first responders for "unknown type fire" calls.
Mike Dugan and company talking building constructon and disasters

Humpday Hangout: Building Codes and Disasters

Mike Dugan and the panel regulars will talk with their guests about building codes and how proper building construction can mitigate the damage from natural…